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Cranial Capacity and IQ
by R.T. Osborne
from Mankind Quarterly April, 1992
As was the case in much of his other research, Sir Francis Galton (1888)
was the first to report a quantitative relationship between human cranial
capacity and mental ability. Galton's subjects were 1095 Cambridge
undergraduates. The statistical techniques available to him in 1888 did not
include Pearson's correlation coefficient nor an objective Binet-type measure
of intelligence. Galton computed head capacity simply by multiplying head
length by breadth by height. No adjustment was made for thickness of the
skull. Mental ability was estimated from average college marks. He found the
relationship to be low and insignificant. Years later when Galton's 1888 data
were reworked the correlation between head capacity and college marks was
found to be in the range of rs reported by Pearson (1902, 1906, 1926), Pearl
(1906) and many others.
From Galton's early paper to Lynn's series of studies in 1989-1990 there
were at least 38 published investigations of the relationship of human head
measurements to mental ability but only about one in four used cranial
capacity as a head measurement despite the fact that in 1901 Dr. Alice Lee had
developed a formula for determining cranial capacity which corrected for
thickness of the skull. In the present study, which correlates mental ability
with head capacity, Lee's formula was applied to head measurements of 476
subjects from the Georgia Twin Study (Osborne 1980). At the suggestion of
Richard Lynn (personal communication) two additional correlations were
computed, mental ability rs. head circumference and mental ability vs. cranial
capacity with height and weight controlled.
The Georgia Twin Study database contains 127 measures of physical, mental
and personal characteristics for 238 pairs of twins. In this analysis only the
following variables will be used; age, race, sex, height, weight, head length,
head width, head circumference, and IQ obtained from the average of the twelve
mental tests of the Basic Battery of the twin study. The 476 subjects ranged
in age from 12 to 18 but 2 subjects age 12 were placed in the 13-year-old
group and 26 age 18 were combined with 70 subjects age 17 to yield a total of
96 for the oldest age group. There were 100 subjects age 16, 96 age 15, 116
age 14, and 68 in the 13-year-old group, including the two 12-year-olds who
were assigned to the group. Of the 476 subjects 106 were white males, 84 black
males, 118 white females and 168 black females. It should be mentioned here
that in the total group of 476 subjects there are 50 pairs of unlike-sexed
twins. For this reason the number of subjects in an age-sex analysis does not
always yield an even number as would be the case if all the twins were
like-sexed. For example, there are five subjects in the 13-year group of white
males. At least one of these subjects has his twin in the white female group.
In addition to the 50 pairs of unlike sexed twins, 20 pairs of white males
were DZ, 21 MZ; 11 pairs of black males were DZ, 18 MZ. Of the white females
21 pairs were DZ, 26 MZ. Twenty eight pairs of black females were DZ, 43 MZ.
The complete break-down by age, race and sex is given in Table 1.
Head capacity was determined by Lee's formula which requires head height.
Since this measure was not one of the 127 twin-study variables, head height
was estimated from a table prepared by Berry and Porteus (1920) and reproduced
by Penrose as Appendix 2 (Penrose 1963).
From Table 1 it is seen that in the first phase of the analysis
correlations were computed by age, for four race-sex groups. Because of the
small numbers in some of the categories little credence can be placed in the
rs. However, the correlations for the total race-sex groups compare favorably
with recent studies of head measurements as they relate to mental ability.
Among the mostly positive rs the insignificant and even negative rs at the
16-year level stand out. These subjects are all age 16; this is not a
collapsed age bracket as we have at ages 13 and 17. The 16-year-old white
males, black males and black females show this deviation in rs from adjacent
ages. All the correlations in the table for white females are positive and
compare favorably with the total rs by sex. Since the subjects' ages were not
determined until after the tests were administered there is no way some
16-year-olds could have been singled out for special or different treatment
from 15-year-olds or 17-year-olds. In the case of black males the small number
of cases might have been a factor but not in the case of black females nor
white Since Galton's 1888 study there have been at least 21 published studies
examining the quantitative relationship between head measurements and mental
ability. The first significant correlational study was Pearson's 1902 Royal
Society paper, which he published again in 1926 in Annals of Eugenics. Results
of studies before 1902 for the most part here reported as differences in
There has been little agreement among investigators as to which cranial
measurements yielded the best estimate of cranial capacity. They varied from
simple head width to brain weight/spinal cord weight ratio. Head circumference
was the most frequently used head measurement, Correlations ranged from .02 in
one of Lynn's studies (1989) to .41 (Wienberg 1974). Cephalic index
consistently produced a very low or negative correlation with mental ability.
Galton estimated cranial capacity by multiplying head length by head height by
head breadth but he had no method of estimating the relationship between the
variables except to show mean differences. Since Galton's Cambridge study
numerous other investigators have used cranial capacity to compute head
measurements-mental ability correlations. The range of rs for these studies
was from .08 (Reed, 1923) to .14 (Passingham 1979).
In Table 1 correlations between head capacity and mental ability and head
circumference and IQ are shown by age for four different sex-race groups and
for the total group by sex. Also given for the five groups are the rs between
IQ and head capacity with height and weight partialed out. From the table a
trend of consistent age differences in correlations is not apparent unless it
would be that of the white females who show slightly decreasing rs with
increasing age. When only total groups are considered; i.e., all white males,
black males, white females and black females, the rs between IQ and head
capacity are higher than any reported in the literature. When the two races
are compared, rs for females are significantly higher than those for males.
The pattern does not hold when comparing total group rs for head circumference
and IQ. Black males rs > than black females and white females rs > than white
males. As would be expected when partial r's are computed between head
capacity and IQ with height and weight partialed out the rs are attenuated
when compared with those between head capacity and IQ alone.
While the database for this study was the 238 sets of twins from the
Georgia Twin Study (Osborne 1980) intraclass correlations or other twin
statistics were not computed. Each member of a twin pair was treated as an
individual for our analysis. Positive correlations were found between head
size as measured by head capacity and IQ and by head circumference and IQ. The
rs were significant when the subjects were grouped by race and by sex. When
the subjects were analyzed by age, race and sex the groups were too small to
yield a pattern of meaningful correlations.
This article supports the recent studies of Lynn (1989, 1990) and Broman
(1987) which found a positive association between human head size and
intelligence. Lynn interprets this finding as an explanation for the rapid
evolution of brain size in hominids during the last $-2 million years. Our
finding that head capacity-IQ correlations rs hold up equally for males and
females and for both blacks and whites is the unique contribution of this
Correlations between Mental Ability, Head Capacity and Head Circumference
by Age, Race and Sex Correlation between IQ and AGE Number Head Measurements
(a.) (b.) (c.)
White Males135.451-.072-.345
Black Males1320.106.228.071
White Females1311.716.632.484
Black Females1332.045-.245.086
Total Group By Sex
(a.) Pearson r (IQ vs. Head Capacity)
(b.) Pearson r (IQ vs. Head Circumference)
(c.) Partial rs (IQ vs. Head Capacity) Ht. and Wgt. partialed out.
Berry, R. J. A., Porteus, S. D. 1920 Intelligence and Social Valuation,
Vineland Training School Publications, No. 20.
Broman, S., Nichols, P. L., Shaughnessy, P., Kennedy, W. 1987 Retardation
in Young Children, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Galton, F. 1888 Head Growth in Students at the University of Cambridge,
Nature, 38; 14-15.
Lee, Alice and Pearson, K. 1901 A First Study of the Correlation of the
Human Skull, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 196 (Series A): 225-264.
Lynn, R. 1989 A Nutrition Theory of the Secular Increases in Intelligence;
Positive Correlations between Height, Head Size and I.Q., British Journal of
Educational Psychology, 59:372-77.; 1990 New Evidence on Brain Size and
Intelligence: A Comment on Rushton and Cam and Vanderwolf, Person. Indivi.
Diff., 11:795-797.
Osborne, R. T. 1990 Twins: Black and White, Athens, GA: Found. for Human
Passingham, R. E. 1979 Brain Size and Intelligence in Man, Brain, Behavior
and Evolution, 16: 253-270.
Pearl, R. 1906 On the Correlation between Intelligence and the Size of the
Head, Jour. Comp. Neurol. and Psychol., 16: 189-199.
Pearson, K. 1902 On the Correlation of Intellectual Ability with the Size
and Shape of the Head, Royal Society Proc., 69: 333-342. 1906 On the
Relationship of Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head, and to other Physical
and Mental Characters, Biometrika, 5; 105-146. 1926 On Our Present Knowledge
of the Relationship of Mind and Body. Annals of Eugenics, 1: 382-406.
Penrose, L. S. 1963 The Biology of Mental Defect, New York, NY: Grune and
Stratton, Inc.
Reed, R, W., Mulligan, J. H. 1923 Relation of Cranial Capacity to
Intelligence, Jour. Royal Anthropological Inst., 53:322-332.
Weinberg, W. A., Dietz, S. G., Penick, E. C., McAlister, W. M. 1974
Intelligence, Reading Achievement, Physical Size, and Social Class, J.
Pediatrics, 85: 482-489.
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