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Intelligence and Civilization
by Linda Miller
from Spearhead October, 1995
"Modern comforts," says Linda Miller, "are producing a
down breeding of our population which must be reversed"
'A' level passes this year are at an all-time high. The
question being asked in the mainstream media is: Are students doing better or
are the tests becoming easier? This question helps to disguise the real issue
in the same way as these exam results disguise the same important issue. That
issue is the intelligence of the population, and the fact that it is dwindling
significantly with each oncoming generation.
Everyone who is honest with themselves has noticed it.
Incompetence is rife. If workmen are hired to do a job, all too often it is a
botched job. The news is constantly full of examples of wasted public funds;
financial calculations made by institutions or companies which have proved
inaccurate; (Eurotunnel, Canary Wharf, Lloyds' Names, for example); the
shortsightedness of banks making loans to third world countries which will
never be able to pay them back, no matter how many rain forests they cut down;
and countless other major public fiascos. Teachers and lecturers complain of
soaring levels of illiteracy, which cannot all be explained away by misguided
and ineffective educational techniques. Each new year, admittance into
secondary schools contains many more pupils than the year before who can
neither read nor write and who lack basic skills in numeracy.
University lecturers frequently find that they must attempt to
teach new students the grounding in subjects which were insufficiently taught
at school. The speed of the decay is gathering a rapid momentum.
Intelligence is biological. Knowledge is the acquisition of
facts, but intelligence is the biological potential to understand and to
learn. There are huge variations in levels of intelligence between individuals
within a race and between different races, communities or families.
Intelligence is inherited. Because there are many genes involved in
determining intelligence, it is a very delicate balance. Usually (not always,
due to such factors as recessive genes and mutations) intelligent people have
intelligent children and unintelligent people have unintelligent children.
If you wanted to improve the intelligence of the next
generation in Britain, you would achieve this if you successfully encouraged
intelligent couples to have several children and discouraged unintelligent
people from so doing. This positive eugenics would result in a more
intelligent population.
If, on the other hand, the policy were to encourage the
intelligent to concentrate on careers at the expense of having children, and
to lavish resources on the less intelligent, who as a rule produce the most
offspring, this will result in a rapid lowering of the intelligence of the
Civilization without a eugenic policy is self-destructive.
Civilization could, with the correct eugenic policy, be a great asset to
intellectual advancement; but in practice it has always proved to be an
implement for the erosion and down breeding of the population.
No Advancement
Almost everyone assumes that because of the progress in
technology we have now achieved mankind today has mentally advanced from its
intellectual level of a few thousand years ago. It is assumed that we have
advanced genetically, but this is not the case. Certainly, the genetic
characteristics of our population are continually evolving and changing.
Civilization has caused circumstances to arise in which these changes have
been happening more rapidly than would otherwise have been the case. These
changes have been for the worse. The present-day population is not as
intelligent nor as strong of character nor as robust as were the Romans at the
time of Cicero over two thousand years ago.
We are right to be proud of the civilization that we have
produced. However, throughout all the astounding progress made in science and
technology, sociological progress has not kept up with it. Scientific progress
is being maintained by a dwindling minority of non-reproducing intelligent
people. This rate of advancement is declining and must eventually cease when
no more people of sufficient intellectual caliber are being born. There has
been no progress at all in government, religion, language or social
Astonishing as it may seem, civilization can, in itself, be
blamed for the lowering of the intelligence of the population.
All civilizations inherently contain the seeds of their own
destruction. Only a eugenic policy to safeguard against deterioration can
avert this decline. It is vital to recognize the negative aspects of
civilization so that we may overcome these problems and develop the first ever
civilization which is self perpetuating. The solution is simple. It is a
eugenic program of improving racial quality.
Civilization saves the misfits. It is a 'humanizing' process
which sustains and subsidies the weak, the helpless, the morons, the idiots
and the inadequate. These elements of the population are a burden carried by
the more capable elements.
Without civilization to protect them, the laws of nature --
`natural selection' -- would have culled these people, instead of saving them
to reproduce.
Consequently, the gene pool is flooded with the undesirable
elements who breed more prolifically.
Needs of Survival
In civilization there is far less impetus to use one's own
intelligence to survive. In primitive society, those who best used their wits,
who had energy, who coped best, would survive and live to have children. As a
result of this, our ancestors progressed slowly over hundreds of thousands of
years. Eventually the population became intelligent enough to form a
Next, the forces which lead to the evolution of a higher
intelligence became reversed.
Civilization is organised to help all members of society,
including the stupid, lazy and shiftless. Therefore, these genetic defectives
now survived to procreate and perpetuate their own kind, decreasing the level
of intelligence in the population. Extensive research has shown that those of
lower intelligence, on average, have more offspring than those of high
intelligence. The unintelligent are increasing in number, while the
intelligent are shrinking. Similarly, physical weaknesses are also spread.
This tragic chain of events has doomed every civilization that has ever
existed. For some time, even while the decay is setting in, civilization can
still advance upward due to the momentum of previous inventions, systems and
benefits. Eventually, as the intelligence level drops lower and lower still,
the population is no longer able to continue to advance civilization. As the
intelligence level decreases further, the ability is lost even to sustain the
level which previous generations had achieved. Civilization then begins its
downhill slide, and after another few hundred years, it slides into oblivion.
So, we can know this: the population is less biologically
intelligent now than in the past. If the teaching techniques and methods of
assessing educational achievement remained constant and unchanged, this would
be blatantly obvious. It would be demonstrated by a massive failure rate in
If this was seen to have happened, the population (or, at
least, those left with enough intelligence to become alarmed at this rapid
decline) would demand that something be done to stop the down-breeding. This
is why teaching techniques have been regularly changed, so that the techniques
could be blamed for the inability to read, etc. Also, exams have changed.
Course work is more significant in assessment than it used to be. Bad spelling
is not penalized. Exams have been made easier. There are set quotas of passes
which are awarded regardless of performance. The school league tables put
pressure on schools to give the impression that they are doing well, with a
high pass rate. However, no matter how these superficial factors cause a
lowering of educational standards, we must recognize that the intelligence of
the population can only decrease given the pressures of civilization to
increase the quantity of unintelligent children born in comparison to
intelligent children.
We are caught in a downward spiral that can only be reversed
by a policy of good common-sense eugenics.
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