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Chapter 5 of Separation and its Discontents: "National Socialism as an Anti-Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy"
by Professor Kevin MacDonald
(Praeger Press 1998)
The National Socialist movement in Germany from 1933-1945 is a departure
from Western tendencies toward universalism and muted individualism in the
direction of racial nationalism and cohesive collectivism. The evidence reviewed
below indicates that National Socialism developed in the context of group
conflict between Jews and gentiles, and I propose that it may be usefully
conceptualized as a group evolutionary strategy that was characterized by
several key features that mirrored Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy.
Most basically, National Socialism aimed at developing a cohesive group.
There was an emphasis on the inculcation of selfless behavior and within-group
altruism combined with outgroup hostility (MacDonald 1988a, 298-300). These
anti-individualist tendencies can be seen in the Hitler Youth movement (Koch
1976; Rempel 1989). After 1936, membership was compulsory for children after
their tenth birthday. A primary emphasis was to mold children to accept a
group strategy of within-group altruism combined with hostility and aggression
toward outgroups, particularly Jews. Children were taught an ideology of nationalism,
the organic unity of the state, blind faith in Hitler, and anti-Semitism.
Physical courage, fighting skills, and a warlike mentality were encouraged,
but the most important aspect of education was group loyalty: "Faithfulness
and loyalty irrespective of the consequences were an article of faith shared
among wide sections of Germany's youth" (Koch 1976, 119).
Socialization for group competition was strongly stressed, "all the emphasis
centering on obedience, duty to the group, and helping within the group" (Koch
1976, 128). The ideology of National Socialism viewed the entire society (excluding
the Jews) as a large kinship group--a "Volksgemeinschaft transcending class
and creed" (Rempel 1989, 5). A constant refrain of the literature of the Hitler
Youth was the idea of the individual sacrificing himself for the leader: "the
basic idea is that of a group of heroes inseparably tied to one another by
an oath of faithfulness who, surrounded by physically and numerically superior
foes, stand their ground. . . . Either the band of heroes is reduced to the
last man, who is the leader himself defending the corpses of his followers--the
grand finale of the Nibelungenlied-- or through its unparalleled heroism brings
about some favourable change in its fortune. (Koch 1976, 143)"
The Hitler Youth was associated with the SS (Schutzstaffel, "protection echelon")--an
elite corps of highly committed and zealous soldiers. Rempel (1989, 256) estimates
that 95 percent of German youth maintained their fidelity to the war effort
even after the defeat at Stalingrad. Koch (1976) describes high levels of
selfless behavior among Germans during the war both as soldiers and as support
personnel in the war effort, and quotes from individual youth clearly indicate
that the indoctrination of young people with National Socialist ideology was
quite successful and often appears to have been causally responsible for self-sacrificing
Within-group egalitarianism is often an important facilitator of a group
evolutionary strategy, because it cements the allegiance of lower-status individuals
(see below and PTSDA, Ch. 1). While the National Socialist movement retained
traditional hierarchical Western social structure, the internal cohesiveness
and altruism characteristic of National Socialism may have been facilitated
by a significant degree of egalitarianism. There were real attempts to increase
the status and economic prospects of farmers in the Hitler Youth Land Service,
and class divisions and social barriers were broken down within the Hitler
Youth movement to some extent, with the result that lower and working-class
children were able to move into positions of leadership. Moreover, the socialist
element of National Socialism was more than merely a deceptive front (Pipes
1993, 260, 276-277). The economy was intensively regulated, and private property
was subject to expropriation in order to achieve the goals of the community.
Here it is of interest that an important element of the National Socialist
ideology and behavior as a group strategy involved discrimination against
Jews as a group. Jewish group membership was defined by biological descent
(see Dawidowicz 1976, 38ff). As in the case of the limpieza phenomenon of
the Inquisition, this biological classification of Jews occurred in a context
in which many of even the most overtly assimilated Jews--those who had officially
converted to Christianity--continued Jewish associational and marriage patterns
and had in effect become crypto-Jews (see below and Chapter 6). Thus, an act
of September 1933 prohibited farmers from inheriting land if there was any
trace of Jewish ancestry going back to 1800, and the act of April 11, 1933,
dismissing Jews from the civil service applied to any individual with at least
one Jewish grandparent. National Socialist extremists advocated the dissolution
of mixed marriages and Jewish sterilization, and wanted to consider even individuals
with one-eighth Jewish ancestry as full Jews.1
From the present perspective, Germany after 1933 was characterized by the
presence of two antithetical group strategies. Jews were systematically driven
from the German economy in gradual stages between 1933 and 1939. For example,
shortly after the National Socialists assumed power, there were restrictions
on employment in the civil service, the professions, schools and universities,
and trade and professional associations--precisely the areas of the economy
in which Jews were disproportionately represented--and there is evidence for
widespread public support for these laws (Friedlander 1997; Krausnick 1968,
27ff). Quotas were established for attendance at universities and public schools.
An act of September 1933 excluded Jews from faculties in the arts, literature,
theater, and film. Eventually Jewish property was expropriated and taxed exorbitantly,
and Jews were subjected to a variety of indignities ("No indignity seemed
too trivial to legislate" [Gordon 1984, 125]), including prohibitions against
owning pets.
As has happened so often in periods of relatively intense anti-Semitism,
barriers were raised between the groups. Jews were required to wear identifying
badges and were prohibited from restaurants and public parks. The Nuremberg
Laws of 1935 prevented marriage and all sexual contact between the groups.
The laws prohibited Jews from employing German women under the age of forty-five
as domestic servants--presumably an attempt to prevent Jewish men in a superior
position from having sexual contact with fertile gentile women. The National
Socialist authorities were also very concerned about socializing and friendship
between Jews and gentiles (Gordon 1984, 179; Krausnick 1968, 31 )--a phenomenon
that recalls the ancient Jewish wine taboo, intended to prevent Jews from
socializing with gentiles.
Just as social controls on group members have been important to the Jewish
group evolutionary strategy, especially in traditional societies, the National
Socialist group strategy punished individuals who violated the various race
laws enacted by the Third Reich, failed to cooperate in boycotts against Jewish
businesses, or socialized with Jews. For example, there were approximately
four hundred criminal cases per year for "race defilement" (i.e., sexual contact
between Jews and gentiles) under the Nuremberg Laws. As in the case of Jewish
social controls designed to ensure within-group conformity to group interests
(see PTSDA, Chs. 4, 6), the National Socialists penalized not only the individual
but the family as well: "Any decision to violate Nazi racial regulations,
whether premeditated or impulsive, placed a stigma upon oneself and one's
family. Arrest or loss of Nazi party membership, for example, frequently meant
loss of one's job, retaliation against one's spouse or children, and social
exclusion (often compulsory)" (Gordon 1984, 302).
"Let us not forget whence we spring. No more talk of 'German,' or of 'Portuguese'
Jews. Though scattered over the earth we are nevertheless a single people"-Rabbi
Salomon Lipmann-Cerfberr in the opening speech delivered on July 26, 1806,
at the meeting preparatory to the Sanhedrin of 1807, convened by Napoleon.
(Epigraph from Houston Stewart Chamberlain's [1899, I, 329] Foundations of
the Nineteenth Century at the beginning of the chapter entitled "The Entrance
of the Jews into the History of the West")
While popular German anti-Semitism appears to have been largely autonomous
and based on real conflicts of interest rather than the result of the manipulation
by an exploitative or demagogic elite (Hagen 1996; Harris 1994, 225- 227;
Pulzer 1988, xviii, 321),2 the intense anti-Semitism characteristic of the
NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) leadership was not shared
by the majority of the population (see Field 1981, 457; Friedlander 1997,
4)3. If indeed German anti-Semitism was to a considerable extent a "top-down"
phenomenon in which the NSDAP and government played an indispensable leadership
role, it becomes crucial to probe the beliefs of these National Socialist
leaders, and in particular of Hitler himself, for whom anti-Semitism was at
the very center of his world view (Dawidowicz 1975; Ffledlander 1997, 102;
Gordon 1984, 312; Johnson 1988, 489). The point here will be that Hitler viewed
both Judaism and National Socialism as group evolutionary strategies.
However, the perception of group conflict between Jews and gentiles as a
central feature of German society long predates Hitler. The literature on
19th-century German anti-Semitism indicates a perception among gentiles that
Jews and gentiles were engaged in group conflict. There are also detailed
proposals for gentile group strategies in opposition to Judaism. German anti-Semitism
in the course of the 19th century shifted from demands for Jewish assimilation
by intellectuals such as Kant and the young Hegelians in the early part of
the century, to an increasing emphasis on the ethnic divide separating Germans
and Jews (Wistrich 1990, 35ff). Throughout this period the consistent belief
of German liberals combating anti-Semitism was that Judaism would eventually
disappear as a result of assimilation and that emancipation would "hasten
the trip to the baptismal font" and result in national unity (Schorsch 1972,
The predominant attitude among German intellectuals at the beginning of the
century was that granting Jews civil rights was contingent on complete Jewish
assimilation. Jews would cooperate in becoming completely assimilated in exchange
for their political and economic emancipation. In the minds of their early
19th-century critics, Jews constituted a nation--an atypical nation to be
sure, since it was not confined to a particular territory and its criterion
of citizenship was birth by a Jewish mother. But it was a nation nonetheless,
and such a conceptualization was entirely congruent with Jewish self-conceptions
at least since the Middle Ages and widespread among Zionists later in the
century (Katz 1979, 48). Jews would have to give up this condition in order
to be Germans.
In the event, however, many Germans believed that Jews had not lived up to
their end of the bargain, and eventually it became common among anti-Semites
to believe that Jews were "by nature incapable of honoring the contract, of
becoming good Germans" (Levy 1975, 22). For example, the anti-Semite Paul
Forster stated that "emancipation in the true sense of the word means full
assimilation into the foreign body politic. Have the Jews really done this?
Have they changed from Jews into Germans?" (in Levy 1975, 22).
On the other hand, for Jews the main concern was the continued existence
of Jewish identity (Schorsch 1972, 100). Concerns about the continuation of
Jewish identity became more common later in the century. As Katz (1985) notes,
the 19th century began with the official blessing of the Jewish assimilationists
at the Parisian Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon in 1807 and ended with the
first Zionist Congress in Zurich in 1897.
Assimilation did not occur at any level of the Jewish community, including
the movement of Reform Judaism, and it was never intended by any significant
segment of the Jewish community (PTSDA, Ch. 4).
"The predicament of emancipated Jewry, and ultimately the cause of its tragic
end, was rooted not in one or another ideology but in the fact that Jewish
Emancipation had been tacitly tied to an illusory expectation-the disappearance
of the Jewish community of its own volition. When this failed to happen, and
the Jews, despite Emancipation and acculturation, continued to be conspicuously
evident, a certain uneasiness, not to say a sense of outright scandal, was
experienced by Gentiles. . . If gaining civil rights meant an enormous improvement
in Jewish prospects, at the same time it carried with it a precariously ill-defined
status which was bound to elicit antagonism from the Gentile world. (Katz
1983, 43)"
In addition to a very visible group of Orthodox immigrants from Eastern Europe,
Reform Jews generally opposed intermarriage, and secular Jews developed a
wide range of institutions that effectively cut them off from socializing
with gentiles. "What secular Jews remained attached to was not easy to define,
but neither, for the Jews involved, was it easy to let go of: there were family
ties, economic interests, and perhaps above all sentiments and habits of mind
which could not be measured and could not be eradicated" (Katz 1996, 33).
Moreover, a substantial minority of German Jews, especially in rural areas
and in certain geographical regions (especially Bavaria) remained Orthodox
well into the 20th century (Lowenstein 1992, 18). Vestiges of traditional
separatist practices, such as Yiddish words, continued throughout this period.
Intermarriage between Jews and Germans was negligible in the 19th century.
Even though intermarriage increased later, these individuals and their children
"almost always" were lost to the Jewish community (Katz 1985, 86; see also
Levenson 1989, 321n). "Opposition to intermarriage did constitute the bottom
line of Jewish assimilation" (G. Mosse 1985, 9). These patterns of endogamy
and within-group association constituted the most obvious signs of continued
Jewish group separatism in German society for the entire period prior to the
rise of National Socialism. Levenson (1989, 321) notes that Jewish defenses
of endogamy during this period "invariably appeared to hostile non-Jews as
being misanthropic and ungrateful," another indication that Jewish endogamy
was an important ingredient of the anti-Semitism of the period.4
Moreover, Jewish converts would typically marry other Jewish converts and
continue to live among and associate with Jews (Levenson 1989, 321n), in effect
behaving as crypto-Jews. The importance of genealogy rather than surface religion
can also be seen in that, while baptized Jews of the haute bourgeoisie were
viewed as acceptable marriage partners by the Jewish haute bourgeoisie, gentiles
of the haute bourgeoisie were not (Mosse 1989, 335). These patterns may well
have fed into the perception among Germans that even overt signs of assimilation
were little more than window dressing masking a strong sense of Jewish ethnic
identity and a desire for endogamy. Indeed, the general pattern was that complete
loss of Jewishness was confined to females from a "handful" of families who
had married into the gentile aristocracy (Mosse 1989, 181).
Although there were ups and downs in the intensity of anti-Semitism, the
general trend over the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries was that
calls for assimilation were increasingly replaced by calls for cohesive, collectivist
gentile groups that would enable Germans to compete with Jews and even exclude
them entirely from German economic and social life. Reflecting social identity
processes, anti-Semitic beliefs became increasingly important as a means of
self-identification among Germans: "Professing anti-Semitism became a sign
of cultural identity, of one's belonging to a specific cultural camp. It was
a way of communicating an acceptance of a particular set of ideas, and a preference
for specific social, political, and moral norms. Contemporaries living and
acting in Imperial Germany learned to decode the message. It became part of
their language, a familiar and convenient symbol. (Volkov 1978, 34-35)"
Anti-Semitic rhetoric increasingly emphasized the desirability of a unified
German political entity that was above political and religious differences
and which would exclude Jews. This is essentially a prescription for a specifically
German group strategy in opposition to Judaism, that is, the development of
"a united front against the alleged domination of an 'alien race"' (Wistrich
1990, 38). As Dawidowicz (1975, 47) notes (derisively), "The Germans were
in search of a mysterious wholeness that would restore them to primeval happiness."
Commenting on attitudes in the period 1900-1914, Field (1981, 313) describes
pervasive complaints of a lack of "shared ideals" and dissatisfaction with
an intellectual life that was "chaotic, spinning off in all directions at
once and lacking a common ideological focus." Even German liberals who actively
opposed anti-Semitism desired a society centered around the Christian religion:
"Though they repudiated the Conservative's notion of the Christian state and
fought for a separation of church and state, they had every intention of strengthening
the exclusively Christian character of Germany" (Schorsch 1972, 100).
The influential anti-Semitic historian and political activist Heinrich von
Treitschke viewed Germany's self-conception as a Christian civilization as
a critical component of his overarching goal of producing a politically and
culturally unified Germany. Treitschke stated that although many Germans had
ceased being active Christians, "the time will come, and is perhaps not so
far off, when necessity will teach us once more to pray.... The German Jewish
Question will not come to rest . . . before our Hebrew fellow-citizens have
become convinced, by our attitude, that we are a Christian people and want
to remain one" (in Pulzer 1988, 242). Unity was perceived as necessary for
a militarily strong Germany able to compete as a world power with other Western
powers--clearly a conception that Germany must develop a cohesive group strategy
vis-a-vis other societies. Treitschke therefore strongly opposed what he perceived
as "alien" Jewish cultural influence on German life, because of Jewish tendencies
to mock and belittle German nationalistic aspirations.
Christianity as a unifying force was also central to another important late
l9th-century anti-Semitic leader, Adolf Stoecker: "I found Berlin in the hands
of Progressives--who were hostile to the Church--and the Social Democrats--who
were hostile to God; Judaism ruled in both parties. The Reich's capital city
was in danger of being de-Christianized and de-Germanized. Christianity was
dead as a public force; with it went loyalty to the King and love of the Fatherland.
It seemed as if the great war had been fought so that Judaism could rule in
Berlin. . . . It was like the end of the world. Unrighteousness had won the
upper hand, love had turned cold. (In Telman 1995, 97)"
National unification was a component of the "Volkische" intellectual tradition.
Rather than accepting the pan-national, universalist ideology that characterized
the Christian Middle Ages, the Volkische ideal of social cohesion was often
combined with nationalistic versions of a peculiarly Germanic form of Christianity,
as in the writings of Treitschke, Paul de LaGarde, and Houston Stewart Chamberlain.
Thus for Chamberlain, "Christianity was an indispensable cohesive force in
a class-torn nation; religious rebirth alone . . . could renew the spiritual
basis of society, reaffirming the principles of monarchy, social hierarchy,
loyalty, discipline, and race.... [R]eligion, not politics, was the basis
of a new Germany" (Field 1981, 302).
This tradition idealized the Middle Ages as a period of Volksgemeinschaft,
a sense of social cohesion, organic unity, cooperation, and hierarchical harmony
among all social classes. This tradition can be traced to Johann Gottfried
Herder (1744-1803; see Herder 1774, 189ff), and it attracted the majority
of German intellectuals during the period spanning the 19th century to the
rise of National Socialism (Mosse 1970, 8). This tradition is exemplified
by Richard Wagner's comment that "the particular atmosphere which my Lohen
grin should produce is that here we see before us an ancient German kingdom
in its finest, most ideal aspect.... Here there is no despotic pomp with its
bodyguards pushing back the people to make way for the high nobility. Simple
boys make up the escort for the young woman, and to them everyone yields gladly
and quite voluntarily" (in Rose 1992, 28; italics in text).
While Volkische ideology could easily be fused with racialist or exclusionary
thinking regarding minority groups within the society, there was only gradual
development in this direction, and it was not until the end of the 19th century
that such linkages became common among anti-Semites. The gradual shift in
Volkisehe ideology from an ideology of assimilation of the entire society
into a cohesive group to an ideology of racism and exclusion thus paralleled
the general shift from assimilationism toward separatism as a solution to
the Jewish question. However, even during the Weimar period some Volkische
thinkers--by then a distinct minority--advocated the complete assimilation
of Jews within German society.
This ideal of "hierarchic harmony" and group cohesion apparent among these
intellectuals therefore did not originate as an aspect of group conflict between
Germans and Jews but predated the escalation of this conflict in the late
19th century.5 In The Culture of Critique I suggest that the ideals of hierarchic
harmony and muted individualism are primitive features of prototypical Western
social organization.6 This Western ideal of hierarchic harmony can be and
often has been a powerful force favoring assimilation, and intellectuals advocating
hierarchic harmony could also be advocates of Jewish assimilation. For example,
Treitschke proposed that Jews become completely assimilated to Germany and
that Germany itself be organized as a harmonious hierarchy led by an aristocratic
elite (Dorpalen 1967, 242-243). Nevertheless, Volkisch ideology can easily
be transformed into an ideology of intergroup conflict in the event that parts
of the society remain unassimilable.
It is noteworthy that German anti-Semitism in no way depended at any time
on racial theory (Katz 1983, 41-42). For example, the National Socialists
regarded Paul de LaGarde as an important forerunner despite the complete absence
of race in his theorizing. Moreover, the National Socialists' opposition to
Jews went well beyond their denigration of other races and their attempts
to dominate other racial groups. They focused on the same alleged Jewish traits
("moral insensitivity, acquisitiveness, xenophobia, and the like") that had
been characteristic of anti-Semitic attitudes since the beginnings of the
diaspora, the only difference being that the traits were now attributed to
racial differences. "It could therefore be argued that the notion of race,
far from being the source of anti-Semitism, only acquired its force as a political
weapon through contact with an already existing anti-Semitic tradition" (Katz
1983, 42-43).
In the event, Jews remained as an unassimilated outgroup, and certain real
differences between Jews and gentiles developed into a variety of negative
stereotypes expected on the basis of social identity theory. Indeed, anti-Semitism
based on these issues was a broad regional phenomenon, occurring throughout
much of Eastern Europe, Austria, and France (Friedlander 1997; Hagen 1996).
Jews not only continued as an ethnically unassimilated group but were, "in
their majority, not carried away by the 'hurrah patriotism' of the exuberant
nationalists. They inclined, their devotion to Germany notwithstanding, to
humanism, reasonableness, moderation, and a measure of internationalism, influenced
also by the fact of Jewish dispersion across national frontiers" (Mosse 1989,
43-44). Jews were thus less enthusiastic about creating a highly cohesive,
unitary German society than were gentile Germans, and this general tendency
among Jews would, in the minds of gentiles, be exacerbated by such salient
examples as Jewish-owned publishing companies that were opposed to German
nationalism. The disproportionate, high-profile involvement of Jews in leftist,
anti-nationalist revolutionary movements in Germany, Hungary, the Soviet Union,
and Poland (e.g., Friedlander 1997, 91-93) would also feed into these stereotypes.
The presence of an increasingly prominent movement of Jewish nationalism (i.e.,
Zionism) would have similar effects, as would the presence of a significant
number of foreign-looking Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. On the basis
of social identity theory, given the salience of Jewish-gentile group membership
during this period these real group differences would become exaggerated.
Gentile Germans would come to define their ingroup as patriotic and loyal,
while Jews would be stereotyped as the opposite.
Also tending to exacerbate these social identity processes was the heightened
level of resource competition between Germans and Jews as Jewish upward mobility,
especially in the period after 1870, resulted in very large Jewish overrepresentation
in all of the markers of economic and professional success as well as in the
production of culture, the latter viewed as a highly deleterious influence
(see Chapter 2; PTSDA, Ch. 5). Indeed, an important component of anti-Semitism
in the late 19th century appears to have been the desire of many Germans to
participate in a cohesive group in order to compete with Jews economically
and socially (Massing 1949, 79). Interestingly, the powerful cohesion of the
Jews was viewed as their "most sinister" attribute (Massing 1949, 79; see
also Pulzer 1979, 78), a comment that suggests that anti-Semitism was partly
a reaction to the perception that the Jews constituted a highly cohesive group--"a
political, social and business alliance for the purpose of exploiting and
subjugating the non-Jewish peoples" (from a 19th-century anti-Semitic publication;
in Massing [1949, 79]).
Many anti-Semitic leaders envisaged uniting the German people in an effective
group strategy against the Jews. For example, the Catholic newspaper Gerinania
combined advocacy of economic cooperation among gentiles and gentile credit
institutions with admonitions against buying or borrowing from Jews. Theodor
Fritsch's "Ten German Commandments of Lawful Self-Defense" (reprinted in Massing
1949, 306) combined exhortations to ethnic pride and within-group cooperation
with a program of economic and social boycott of Jews: "Be proud of being
a German and strive earnestly and steadily to practice the inherited virtues
of our people, courage, faithfulness and veracity." "Thou shalt be helpful
to thy fellow German and further him in all matters not counter to the German
conscience, the more so if he be pressed by the Jew." (in Massing 1949, 306-307)7
Massing provides several other examples of anti-Semitic programs calling
for German group solidarity combined with exclusion of Jews from public life,
cessation of all contact with Jews, and boycotts of Jewish economic enterprises.
Wilhelm Marr conceptualized Jews as "not a small, weak group, they are a world
power! They are much stronger than the Germans" (in Massing 1949, 8).
Marr viewed Jews as having superior powers and as engaging in a war on Germans
and their culture in which each person must choose sides between clearly demarcated
groups. Similarly, the anti-Semite Otto Glegau advocated organization of politically
powerless gentile groups of artisans, small entrepreneurs, and merchants "whose
livelihood and status were in jeopardy" (p. 10) and who were most affected
by Jewish competition. After citing statistics on the percentages of Jews
among employers and among students in institutions of higher education, Adolf
Stoecker stated that "Should Israel grow further in this direction, it will
completely overcome us. One should not doubt it; on this ground, race stands
against race and carries on--not in the sense of hatred but in the sense of
competition--a racial struggle" (in Telman 1995, 107). The view that the Jews
were a stronger group than the Germans was common among anti-Semites of the
period (see Zimmerman 1986, 100).
The perception that Jews themselves were greatly concerned with racial purity
was recognized as early as the 1840s by Jews attempting to combat anti-Semitism
(Schorsch 1972, 8). The racial anti-Semites of the post-1880 period were greatly
concerned with racial purity. Fritsch's third commandment was "Thou must keep
thy blood pure. Consider it a crime to soil the noble Aryan breed of thy people
by mingling it with the Jewish breed. For thou must know that Jewish blood
is everlasting, putting the Jewish stamp on body and soul unto the farthest
generations." Similarly, Wilhelm Marr's Der Judenspiegel (published in 1862)
conceptualized Judaism as a racially pure group. Marr emphasized the racial
gulf between Germans and Jews and advocated intermarriage as a way of assimilating
Germans and Jews (Zimmerman 1986, 47) 8
This concern with group competition and racial purity is also evident among
racialist thinkers who based their ideas on evolutionary thinking. There is
evidence for the development in Germany during this period of a conceptualization
of human evolution as fundamentally involving group rather than individual
competition. Some of the most strident anti-Semites in the twenty years prior
to World War I were ultra-nationalist groups "preaching a racially-based integral
nationalism and a Social Darwinist view of the world" (Pulzer 1988, xx; Gordon
1984, 25-2 6). From the present perspective, the important point is the idea
that the races were in competition with each other and that they should remain
separate in order to maintain racial purity.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain is of particular interest in this regard, both
because he was a prime influence on Hitler9 and because of his interpretation
of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. Indeed, Chamberlain, and especially
his Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899), was highly influential among
German educated classes generally (Field 1981, 225ff). Chamberlain notes that
this "alien people has become precisely in the course of the nineteenth century
disproportionately important and in many spheres actually dominant constituent
of our life" (Chamberlain 1899, I, 330). Clearly Chamberlain believed that
Jews and gentiles were in competition in Germany.
Chamberlain exhibits a strong concern with the importance of racial purity,
but it is important to note that his exemplar of racial purity is the Jews,
and especially the Sephardic Jews. Chamberlain regarded the Jews as having
preserved their racial purity over the millennia--a point of view that had
been expressed originally by Benjamin Disraeli (see below) and later by the
French Count Arthur de Gobineau. His reaction to observing Sephardic Jews
is nothing less than ecstatic: "This is nobility in the fullest sense of the
word, genuine nobility of race. Beautiful figures, noble heads, dignity in
speech and bearing" (I, 273). "The Jews deserve admiration, for they have
acted with absolute consistency according to the logic and truth of their
own individuality, and never for a moment have they allowed themselves to
forget the sacredness of physical laws because of foolish humanitarian day-dreams
which they shared only when such a policy was to their advantage" (I, 331).
Chamberlain was thus one of many anti-Semites for whom "the perception that
Jews maintained their cohesiveness and sense of identity under all conceivable
circumstances was a source of both fear and envy. Indeed, for many anti-Semites
this racial perseverance and historical continuity provided a kind of mirror-image
model worthy of emulation" (Ascbheim 1985, 239). The attitudes of the anti-Semites
on racial purity are therefore mirror-images of previously occurring Jewish
practices. Evidence in this chapter (see also Chapter 4 and PTSDA, Chs. 2-4)
indicates that there is far more than a grain of truth to the idea that the
Jews have been concerned to prevent significant influx of gentile genes into
the Jewish gene pool.
However, Chamberlain goes beyond this to assert that Jews have gone to great
lengths to maintain their own racial purity and at the same time have consciously
attempted to enter the gentile gene pool. In support of his argument, Chamberlain
states (I, 332-333) that in 1807 the Jewish leaders accepted all of Napoleon's
articles aimed at ending Jewish separatism with the exception of complete
freedom of intermarriage with Christians; while accepting marriage of daughters
with Christians, they rejected the marriage of sons with Christians (a claim
I have not been able to verify). He also asserts that the Rothschilds married
daughters to the nobility of Europe but had never married a son into it; also,
in an earlier section (I, 274) he states that the Sephardic Jews excluded
the bastard offspring of Jewish females from the community.
The possibility that an aspect of Judaism as an evolutionary strategy has
been to enter the gentile gene pool without admitting gentile genes to their
own group is an important empirical proposition, especially given the role
of consanguinity [inbreeding] and endogamy [marrying kin] in facilitating
group solidarity and altruism among Jews (see PTSDA, Chs. 6, 8). It may well
have been the case in traditional societies that intermarriage was mainly
accomplished by wealthy Jews providing dowries for their daughters to marry
gentiles in the nobility rather than by bringing a gentile woman into the
family as the future mother of Jewish children and heirs to the estate. I
have noted some evidence for this proposition in the material on Spain and
Portugal beginning in the medieval period and extending through at least the
15th century, as well as some indication that this was also a concern in the
late Roman Empire (see Chs. 3-4).
It was indeed common for German aristocratic families to restore their fortunes
by accepting wealthy Jewish daughters-in-law in the late 19th century (Massing
1949, 106-107). (One publication listed more than a thousand families where
Jewish women had been married into the gentile aristocracy [Pulzer 1964, 281]).
As Chamberlain asserted, the marriage policy of the Rothschilds was that "boys
must choose other Rothschilds, or at least other Jews, for their brides; the
girls were sometimes allowed Christian aristocrats" (Morton 1961,98).10 Moreover,
many of the descendants of the 18th-century German court Jews converted to
Christianity but continued to marry among themselves, although daughters were
commonly married into the gentile nobility (W. E. Mosse 1987, 37). Such behavior
by a nominally converted group of Jews (who are in effect crypto-Jews from
the standpoint of the evolutionary strategy) is exactly analogous to the marriage
practices of wealthy New Christians discussed in Chapter 4.
Traditional Jewish law traces descent through the mother, not the father.
Thus the offspring of a Jewish male and a gentile female would not be considered
Jews and would be lost to the Jewish gene poo1. However, the offspring of
a Jewish female married into the gentile nobility might be technically eligible
to be Jews, but if their children then married into the gentile gene pool,
as would normally be the case, they too would be lost to the Jewish gene pool.
"Jewish women. . . who married Gentiles would join Gentile lines and, Talmudic
law notwithstanding, would normally produce 'Gentile' offspring. A Jewish
woman 'marrying out' would almost invariably abandon her formal Jewish identity"
(Mosse 1989, 334).11
This functional interpretation of tracing Jewish descent through the mother
can also be seen in Jewish religious writings. Epstein (1942, 166) notes that
Ezra's racialist motivation can be seen by his exclusive concern with Israelite
men marrying foreign women because the children of unions with Israelite men
would be brought up in the Israelite community while those of an Israelite
female marrying a foreigner would be lost to the community. Moreover, as indicated
by The Code of Maimonides (see PTSDA, Ch. 4), despite the concentration on
investigating female relatives to assure family purity, the goal was to maintain
the purity of the male line, and especially so in the case of priests. Females
could marry men of invalid descent, but men could not. This emphasis on the
purity of the male line combined with tracing Jewish descent through the mother
would then function in practice as Chamberlain suggests: Jewish stem families
could remain "racially pure," while the gene pool of the gentile aristocracy
would contain some Jewish admixture.
Although not mentioned by Chamberlain, consanguineous marriages [inbreeding]
among highly visible and immensely wealthy Jewish families may also, via social
identity processes, have sharpened gentile perceptions of Jews as highly concerned
with racial purity. There was a relatively high level of consanguineous marriage
among Jews generally (see PTSDA, Ch. 4, 6, 8), and the highly visible Rothschild
family practiced consanguineous marriage even more intensively than Jewish
families generally during the period, including a highly visible example of
uncle-niece marriage and a great many first cousin marriages: "No other family
was to practice it [inbreeding] to the same extent as the Rothschilds" (Derek
Wilson 1988, 81). Consanguineous marriages12 continued to be a prominent trend
among the Jewish haute bourgeoisie throughout the 19th century and into the
20th (Mosse 1989, 161ff).
Chamberlain (as well as other racialist "Social Darwinist" thinkers-see
Krausnick 1968) developed the view that competition between racial groups
rather than between individuals was central to human evolution: "The struggle
which means destruction of the weak race steels the strong; the same struggle,
moreover, by eliminating the weaker elements, tends still further to strengthen
the strong" (1899, I, 276). Chamberlain (1899, I, 277) also proposed that
the Jews had engaged in artificial selection within their gene pool in order
to produce a more competitive group, suggesting that Chamberlain recognized
the importance of eugenic practices among Jews.
The emphasis on group competition in these writings is striking. Interestingly,
Darwin (1874) himself believed that altruism and the social emotions, such
as sympathy and conscientiousness, were restricted to one's own group and
were quite compatible with hostility directed toward outsiders, indicating
that he had a keen sense of the importance of intergroup competition in human
evolution. However, for Darwin this intergroup competition was not necessarily
competition between ethnic groups, much less races. Instead, Darwin's perspective
appears to be much more compatible with the social identity perspective developed
in Chapter 1, that hostility is directed at other groups, whatever their origin,
and typically these other groups will be neighboring tribes and therefore
of similar racial/ethnic composition.
The belief that competition between groups is an important aspect of human
evolution has therefore a long history in evolutionary thought. In the hands
of these German racial theorists, this thought was transformed in two fundamental
ways. First, the competition was conceptualized as occurring between well
defined, genetically segregated racial/ethnic groups; second, the racial/ethnic
purity of a group became a critical factor in the success of the group. Both
of these points, particularly the latter, are foreign to mainstream Darwinism,
and indeed seem to have originated with these thinkers.
One might speculate that these German thinkers emphasized these ideas because
intrasocietal group-level resource competition between Jews and gentiles was
so salient to them, and in addition because the Jews themselves were highly
concerned about racial purity. In the British-American tradition, where this
divisive intrasocietal form of ethnically based resource competition and concern
with ethnic purity by sub-groups were far less salient, the dominant theoretical
tradition ultimately rejected entirely the notion of group selection.13
It is interesting in this regard that while in Germany eugenic ideas tended
to be bound up with Volkische nationalism and strong currents of anti-individualism
(see Gasman 1971), eugenic beliefs in Britain were much less associated with
racialist views, were more often held by social radicals with utopian visions,14
and were more often motivated by individualistic concern that dysgenic practices
would result in increasing burdens to society (Kevles 1985, 76, 85). Similarly,
while racial science in Germany was deeply concerned with developing ideas
on differences between Germans and Jews as distinct races, British race scientists
devoted only a "passing and exemplary discussions" to Jews, a phenomenon that
"mirrored in some respects the unobtrusive character of Anglo-Jewry as a whole
and the somewhat lackadaisical English attitude towards the country's Jewish
subjects" (Efron 1994, 45).
Jews did not represent a competitive threat in England during this period.
Israel (1985, 242) notes that Jews played a remarkably small role in the economic
development of England--amounting to little more than dominating the diamond
and coral trades. They also represented only a minute percentage of the population,
0.01 percent in the nineteenth century (Sorkin 1987, 175). Throughout this
period England remained an ethnically homogeneous society, without ethnically-based
resource conflict. However, even in England there was anti-Semitism, directed
both at the "cousinhood" of wealthy Jewish families and, later in the century,
Orthodox immigrants from Eastern Europe (Bermant 1971).
Such a relativist perspective on the nature of scientific theory development
is highly compatible with Gould's (1992) perspective on extra-scientific influences
on the development of evolutionary theory: He proposes that evolutionary theory
is influenced by the beliefs and interests of its practitioners. This, of
course, does not imply that these beliefs were not based on reality; in the
present case there is in fact evidence that Jews were concerned about racial
purity, and also for group-based resource competition between Jews and gentiles.
Chamberlain is viewed as a major influence on Hitler, and indeed it would
appear that Hitler's basic beliefs about Jews are almost exact replicas of
Chamberlain's. Hitler viewed himself as a unique combination of intellectual
and politician--a politician with a Wehanschauung (Jackel 1972, 13). Many
historians have dismissed the view that Hitler had a consistent ideology,
but I agree with Jackel (1972), Gordon (1984), and others that in fact Hitler
was extraordinarily consistent in his beliefs and in his behavior in pursuit
of those beliefs. Anti-Semitism was "the center of both his personal and his
political career" (Jackel 1972, 53); "[T]he Jewish question [was] the central
motivating force of his political mission" (p. 53). The centrality of Jewish
issues for Hitler is apparent throughout his career up to the very end (see
Maser 1974). The sections of Mein Kampf relevant to anti-Semitism are entirely
straightforward and are consistent with an evolutionary perspective in which
group strategies are a central notion.
Hitler believed that races, including the Jews, are in a struggle for world
domination, and he had a very great respect for the ability of Jews to carry
on their struggle. In Mein Kampf (1943) he writes that he sometimes asked
himself "whether inscrutable Destiny . . . did not with eternal and immutable
resolve, desire the final victory of this little nation" (p. 64); later he
characterizes Jews as "the mightiest counterpart to the Aryan" (p. 300).
Hitler had a clear conceptualization of Jews as a strategizing ethnic group
in competition with the Germans. Like Chamberlain, Hitler emphasized the ethnic
nature of Judaism. In Mein Kampf he describes his realization that the Jews
were "not Germans of a special religion, but a people in themselves" (p. 56).
He makes this point very forcefully at the beginning of his comments on Jews
and presents it as the instigating factor in his own anti-Semitism. His negative
response when first observing a Jew in Vienna reflects the theme of cultural
separatism so central to the long history of anti-Semitic writing: "I suddenly
encountered an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this
a Jew? ... "But the longer I stared at this foreign face, scrutinizing feature
for feature, the more my first question assumed a new form: Is this a German?"
(p. 56).
His attitude that Jews were an ethnic group and not a religion was confirmed
by his discovery that "among them was a great movement. . . which came out
sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the
Zionists" (p. 56; italics in text). Hitler goes on to remark that although
one might suppose that Zionism was characterized by only a subset of Jews
and condemned by the great majority, "the so-called liberal Jews did not reject
Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, perhaps even dangerous,
way of publicly avowing their Jewishness. Intrinsically they remained unalterably
of one piece" (p. 57).
These comments by Hitler indicate the reality of the worst fears of the German
Reform movement during this period, that continued existence of Jewish cultural
separatism characteristic of Orthodox Jews would result in anti-Semitism because
Jews would be viewed as aliens (Aschheim 1982; Vollcov 1985; Wertheimer 1987),16
and that the publicly expressed ethnocentric nationalism of the Zionists would
increase anti-Semitism because Jews would be perceived not as a religious
group but as an ethnic/national entity. As Katz (1986, 149) points out, Zionism,
international Jewish organizations such as the Alliance Israelite Universelle,
and continued Jewish cultural separatism were important sources of German
anti-Semitism beginning in the late 19th century.
Further, Hitler, like Chamberlain, believed that Jews were concerned about
retaining their own racial purity while consciously attempting to "pollute"
that of others: "While he seems to overflow with 'enlightenment,' 'progress,'
'humanity,' etc., he himself practices the severest segregation of his race.
To be sure, he sometimes palms off his women on influential Christians, but
as a matter of principle he always keeps his male line pure. He poisons the
blood of others, but preserves his own. The Jew almost never marries a Christian
woman; it is the Christian who marries a Jewess . . . . Especially a part
of the high nobility degenerates completely. The Jews. . . systematically
carries on this mode of "disarming" the intellectual leader class of his racial
adversaries. In order to mask his activity and lull his victims, however,
he talks more and more of the equality of all men without regard to race and
color. The fools begin to believe him. (pp. 3 15-3 16) His ultimate goal is
the denationalization, the promiscuous bastardization of other peoples, the
lowering of the racial level of the highest peoples as well as the domination
of this racial mishmash through the extirpation of the folkish intelligentsia
and its replacement by members of its own people. (p. 84)"
Hitler, like Chamberlain, emphasized group-level competition and the importance
of racial purity in making the group more competitive. Hitler detailed his
beliefs regarding the course of Jewish/gentile resource competition over historical
time. Within this struggle, purity of blood was of prime importance. Hitler
viewed the Germans as a unique, distinctive and superior ethnic group. There
was an emphasis on Germanic prehistory and the inculcation of ethnic pride--themes
that are clearly present in the Volkische literature of 19th-century Germany--as
well as the idea of the Volk as a mystical collective entity which bound its
members into deep association with each other (see Mosse 1964, 1970). Comparisons
between the noble, spiritual, inventive Germans and the parasitic, nomadic,
materialistic, unassimilable Jews were common in the Vollgsche literature.
Interestingly, Hitler believed that the greatest strength of the "Aryan"
race was not in its intelligence but in its willingness to sacrifice individual
interests to group goals--clearly an indication of his belief that the Aryans
constituted an altruistic group and undoubtedly a reflection of the National
Socialists' strong emphasis on the inculcation of self-sacrifice and a group
orientation in the Hitler Youth. "In [the Aryan] the instinct of self-preservation
has reached its noblest form, since he willingly subordinates his own ego
to the life of the community and, if the hour demands, even sacrifices it"
(p. 297).
"[The German soul was] determined by the soil and air of this land, determined
by the blood and destiny of its people, eternally closed to us. We can grasp
it faintly, but our productive stock comes from other provinces, is supplied
from different depths, watered from different springs. (Comments of a Zionist
during the Weimar period; in Niewyk 1980, 129)"
An important thesis of Chapters 3-5 is that anti-Semitic movements and their
enemies come to resemble each other in important ways, so that, for example,
in the case of German racial anti-Semitism, a Western anti-Semitic movement
developed a strong concern with endogamy, anti-individualism, and racial purity
despite general Western tendencies toward exogamy, individualism, and assimilation.
In the following, I will explore from this perspective Jewish involvement
in Volkische ideologies and attitudes of racial superiority. Like their mirror-image
enemies, there is evidence that many Jewish intellectuals in the pre-National
Socialist period had a strong racial conceptualization of the Jewish people
and believed in the superiority of the Jewish "race."
Such ideologies and attitudes are also important because social identity
theory predicts that even a few examples of well-known Jewish theorists who
viewed Jews as a superior race would be likely to be very influential in shaping
gentile attitudes on how Jews perceived themselves. Given the context of between-group
conflict that characterized the period under discussion (roughly 1850 to 1933),
gentiles would be likely to suppose that attitudes of Jewish superiority characterized
the Jewish community as a whole, either overtly or covertly. It is also easy
to see that because of the salience of this type of racialist rhetoric, gentiles
would attempt to avoid making a Type II error even if in fact the great majority
of Jews refrained from an openly stated racialism: If one knows that a prominent
subset of Jews conceptualizes Judaism as a race and places a high value on
racial purity, and even views Jews as a racially superior group, the best
strategy is to assume the worst about most Jews. Gentiles should prevent the
error of rejecting the proposition "Jews are an ethnic group and view themselves
as an ethnic group, not a religion; they are intent on retaining their racial
purity and dominating gentiles by virtue of their superior intellectual abilities,"
when it could be true. Therefore, a gentile would assume it is true.
These attitudes of gentiles would also be facilitated by the fact that these
beliefs were highly compatible with contemporary scientific perspectives on
race--the modern arbiter of intellectual respectability. Moreover, we shall
see that racialist comments occurred throughout the spectrum of Jewish identification,
from liberal Reform Jews to Zionists, and that as time went on, there was
an increasing rapprochement between liberal Jews and Zionists among whom racialist
ideas were quite common. This rapprochement may well have contributed to gentiles
perceiving Zionist attitudes on Jewish racial separateness and racial superiority
as well within the Jewish mainstream. Zionism was highly salient to the National
Socialists and other anti-Semites, many of whom agreed with the Zionists'
racial interpretations of Judaism and with their desire for Jews to leave
Germany and build a community in Palestine. (Niewyk [1980, 142] points out
that Zionists did not expect all Jews to go to Palestine but aimed rather
at preparing Jews to live as an unassimilated minority in Germany.)
Benjamin Disraeli, although baptized, developed views on the importance of
racial purity and the superiority of Jewish heredity, in such works as Coningsby
or the New Generation (1844), Tancred, or the New Crusade (1847), and the
non-fictional Lord George Bentinck: A Political Biography (1852). As Rather
(1990, 141ff; see also Field 1981, 215) points out, Disraeli's views on the
importance of racial purity and the role of racial intermixture in the decline
of race and culture antedated the writings of Gobineau and were sufficiently
well known to have been quoted approvingly by Chamberlain in his Foundations
(I, 271): "Let Disraeli teach us that the whole significance of Judaism lies
in its purity of race, that this alone gives it power and duration." "Disraeli
rather than Gobineau--still less Chamberlain--is entitled to be called the
father of nineteenth-century racist ideology" (Rather 1990, 146). Disraeli
"may have been, both as a writer and even more as a personal symbol, the most
influential propagator of the concept of race in the nineteenth century, particularly
publicizing the Jews' alleged taste for power, their sense of superiority,
their mysteriousness, their clandestine international connections, and their
arrogant pride in being a pure race" (Lindemann 1997, 77).
Disraeli noted that Jews have risen quickly to positions of prominence in
a wide range of societies despite anti-Semitism. He viewed Jews as a separate
race and believed that the key to their superiority was that, unlike the other
Caucasian nations, they had retained their racial purity. The inferior races
persecute the Jews, but inevitably "the other degraded races wear out and
disappear; the Jew remains, as determined, as expert, as persevering, as full
of resource and resolution as ever. . . . All which proves, that it is in
vain for man to attempt to baffle the inexorable law of nature which has decreed
that a superior race shall never by destroyed or absorbed by an inferior"
(Disraeli 1852, 490, 495).18
Disraeli believed that Jews were responsible for virtually all the advances
of civilization, including the moral advances of Christianity as well as the
accomplishments of prominent businessmen, philosophers, diplomats, and musicians
(including Mozart!). Jews were behind the great European intellectual movements:
"You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews
do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews; that mysterious Russian
Diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe is organized and principally carried
on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany
. . . is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolize
the professorial chairs of Germany" (Disraeli 1844, 232). The Franks, on the
other hand, are a "flat-nosed" group (Tancred, 223) descended from a horde
of pirates. They are "full of bustle and puffed up with self-conceit (a race
spawned perhaps in the morasses of some Northern forest hardly yet cleared)"
(Tancred, 223).
Heinrich Heine was another baptized Jewish intellectual racialist who conceptualized
the Jews as a racial/ethnic group that had made great moral and ethical contributions
to European culture. Beginning in the 1840s, Heine developed a biological
conception of Judaism, as indicated by his using the German word Stamm (tribe,
with the implication of descent from common ancestors) and Rasse (race) to
refer to Jews (Prawer 1983, 766-767). Moreover, during this period Heine increasingly
stressed the "universal validity of Jewish ethics and the universal message
of Jewish Messianism," and he made "repeated assertions that through its absorption
of Old Testament ethics and history, modern Europe had become, in a sense,
Jewish" (Prawer 1983, 765, 769).
Although Disraeli and Heine pioneered views of Jews as an intellectually
and morally superior, racially pure ethnic group, Jewish racialist thinking
was most closely associated with Zionism. Katz (1986b, 149) makes the important
point that Jewish nationalism in the post-Emancipation period, including Zionism,
was not a reaction to gentile anti-Semitism.19 Rather, Jewish nationalism
provoked anti-Semitism as a gentile reaction--a critical example of the reactive
anti-Semitism theme of Chapters 3-5: "Modem anti-Semitism was itself a reaction
to Jewish proto-nationalism, to the incapacity and unwillingness of Jewry
to divest itself of all the characteristics of national life except that of
religion. True, once anti-Semitism--until then a mere undercurrent-erupted
as a full-fledged movement in the 1870s and eighties, it gave a tremendous
push to Jewish national aspirations. Yet this was already the second phase
of a dialectical process. The starting point of the process was not anti-Semitism,
but the perseverance of Jewish qualities."
In support of this argument, Katz (1979, 50) notes that in Eastern Europe
Jewish nationalism emerged concurrently with the secularization of society
and was in no way dependent on the processes of emancipation and cultural
assimilation characteristic of the German situation. Eastern European Jewish
nationalism, complete with ideological and literary expressions, appeared
long before the anti-Semitic pogroms of the 1880s.
Important Jewish intellectuals developed Volkische ideologies as well as
racialist, exclusivist views, which, like those of their adversaries, were
no longer phrased in religious terms but rather in a primitive language of
evolutionary biology. These intellectuals had a very clear conception of themselves
as racially distinct and as a superior race (intellectually and especially
morally), one that had a redemptive mission to the German people and other
gentiles. As expected by social identity theory, while the Germans tended
to emphasize negative traits of the Jewish outgroup, the Jewish intellectuals
often conceptualized their continued separatism in moral and altruistic terms.
As indicated in Chapter 7, Jewish self-conceptualizations as a moral and altruistic
group with a redemptive mission to gentiles have been the pre-eminent pose
of Jewish intellectuals in the post-Enlightenment intellectual world.
The result was that anti-Semites and zealous Jews, including Zionists, often
had very similar racialist, nationalist views of Judaism toward the end of
the 19th century and thereafter (Katz 1986b, 144). Zionism and anti-Semitism
were mirror-images: "in the course of their histories up to the present day
it has looked as if they might not only be reacting to one another but be
capable of evolving identical objectives and even cooperating in their realization"
(Katz 1979, 51). Nicosia (1985) provides a long list of German intellectuals
and anti-Semitic leaders from the early 19th century through the Weimar period
who accepted Zionism as a possible solution to the Jewish question in Germany,
including Johann Gottleib Fichte, Konstantin Frantz, Wilhelm Marr, Adolf Stoecker.
All conceptualized Judaism as a nation apart and as a separate "race."
Efron (1994, 126) notes that the idea of essential racial differences between
groups pervaded the cultural landscape of fin de Sieicle Europe, and Jews,
including especially the Zionist racial scientists, were no exception to this
While the anti-Semites stressed the moral inferiority of Jews, the Jewish
racial scientists stressed Jewish contributions to civilization and looked
forward to a national rebirth of Jewish culture in a Zionist state.
The influential proto-Zionist Moses Hess (1862) whose major work, Rome and
Jerusalem, was published in 1862, had well-developed racialist ideas about
Jews. Although his book was published prior to the intensification of anti-Semitism
consequent to complete Jewish emancipation in 1870, it has strong overtones
of racial superiority. Hess believed that the different races had enduring
psychological and physiological traits, and that the Indo-European traits
(embodied by the ancient Greeks) were fundamentally opposed to the Semitic
traits (embodied by the ancient Israelites). Like Disraeli and Chamberlain,
Hess believed that history is primarily a struggle between races, not social
classes, and like these thinkers, Hess (p. 27) believed that a Jew is a Jew
"by virtue of his racial origin, even though his ancestors may have become
apostates." Judaism in that view, is at its essence the nationalistic aspirations
of the Jewish "race," but while other races attempt to gain territory, the
role of the Jews is to function as a moral beacon to the rest of humanity.
Hess states that Jewish racial characteristics predominate over Indo-Germanic
characteristics in intermarriage and that they have survived intact since
the sojourn in Egypt (p. 60).20 The racial type comes through even in individuals
whose ancestors became apostates (p. 98), and even converted Jews retain interest
in Jewish affairs and have strong beliefs in the importance of Jewish nationality
(p. 98).
According to Hess, Jews have what Rose (1990, 332) terms a "primal-racial
mission" to the rest of humanity:21 "It is through Judaism that the history
of mankind has become a sacred history. I mean by that, that process of unified
organic development which has its origin in the love of the family and which
will not be completed until the whole of humanity becomes one family" (Hess
1862, 120).
However, this single family of mankind does not imply assimilation. At the
end of history, all of the different races will "live on in friendly fashion
with one another, but live each for the other, preserving, at the same time,
their particular identity" (p. 121; italics in text). Jewish particularism
is thus transformed into a genetically mediated messianic universalism in
which Judaism will persist as a racial type in a utopian world it has altruistically
led to universal harmony. In this future world, the German is faulted for
desiring to possess their "fatherlands and dominions for himself. He lacks
the primary condition of every chemical assimilative process, namely warmth"
(p. 78). Hess also castigated the Reform Jew because of "the beautiful phrases
about humanity and enlightenment which he employs as a cloak to hide his treason,
his fear of being identified with his unfortunate brethren" (p. 75)--an indication
that he viewed Reform Jews as attempting to deceive Germans into believing
that they had no interest in Jewish nationalism or the fate of Jews in other
There were also parallels between the views of the anti-Semite Richard Wagner
and the Zionist Ahad Ha-Am (pseudonym of Asher Ginsberg) (Katz 1986b).22 Both
developed the idea that Jews could not have their own artistic spirit because
they failed to identify completely with the surrounding culture. In an essay
originally published in 1889, Ha-Am (1922, 3) claimed Judaism was not merely
a religion but a nation bound together with deeply felt emotional bonds. Like
many anti-Semites, Ha-Am also had a well-developed anti-individualist perspective,
in which Jews must view themselves as a part of the larger corporate group
and sacrifice their personal interests for the good of the group: "For the
people is one people throughout all its generations, and the individuals who
come and go in each generation are but as those minute parts of the living
body which change every day, without affecting in any degree the character
of that organic unity which is the wholebody" (p. 8).23
Racialist views were especially common among what Ragins (1980, 132ff) terms
the second generation of Zionists, many of whom came to maturity in the 1890s.24
The Zionist journal Die Welt published several articles with a racialist,
Volkische ideology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A writer argued
that the Jews were a race with distinctive physical features and had retained
their racial purity over four thousand years. Another contributor argued that
this racial distinctiveness precluded assimilation: "Those who demand assimilation
of us either do not yet know that a man cannot get out of his skin . . . or
else they know this and then expect of us shameful, daily humiliation, which
consists in feigning Aryanism, suppressing our instincts, and squeezing into
the skin of the Aryan, which does not fit us at all" (in Ragins 1980, 150).
Another author agreed with the racialist writings of Gobineau, who emphasized
the high level of racial purity among the Jews and the incompatibility of
Jews with other races (Ragins 1980, 151).
All of the Zionist racial scientists studied by Efron (1994; see also Endelman
1991, 196), including Elias Auerbach, Aron Sandler, Felix Theilhaber, and
Ignaz Zollschan, were motivated by a perceived need to end Jewish intermarriage
and preserve Jewish racial purity.25 Only by creating a Jewish homeland and
leaving the assimilatory influences of the diaspora could Jews preserve their
unique racial heritage.
Thus, for Auerbach, Zionism would return Jews "back into the position they
enjoyed before the nineteenth century--politically autonomous, culturally
whole, and racially pure" (Efron 1994, 136). Zollschan, whose book on "the
Jewish racial question" went through five editions and was well known to both
Jewish and gentile anthropologists (Efron 1994, 155), praised Houston Stewart
Chamberlain and advocated Zionism as the only way to retain Jewish racial
purity from the threat of mixed marriages and assimilation (Gilman 1993, 109;
Nicosia 1985, 18).26 Zollschan's description of the phenotypic, and by implication
genetic commonality of Jews around the world is striking. He notes that the
same Jewish faces can be seen throughout the Jewish world among Ashkenazi,
Sephardic, and Oriental Jews. He also remarked on the same mix of body types,
head shapes, skin, and hair and eye pigmentation in these widely separated
groups (see Efron 1994, 158).
Arthur Ruppin, the German Zionist and demographer, was an important historical
figure who "represented and symbolized the second era in Zionism" (Bein 1971,
xix) and whose writings were sufficiently well known to merit comment by American
leaders of the Reform movement (Levenson 1989, 327). (Werner Sombart [1913,
285] cited Ruppin and Elias Auerbach to support his impression that "today,
so far as I can make out, the.. . view prevails that from the days of Ezra
to these the Jews have kept strictly apart" and that as a result they constituted
a distinct racial group.) Ruppin consistently advocated the view that there
was an ethical imperative to retain Jewish racial purity. Ruppin had a clear
conception of the importance of Jewish "racial types" as central to historical
Judaism.27 In an argument reminiscent of the long history of conceptualizing
Judaism as a "light unto the nations," Ruppin (1913, 218) stressed that the
Jewish intellectual ability was utilized for humanity as a whole, "for the
common good." In Ruppin's view, Jews have had an immense positive influence
on civilization, one that has benefited all humans. But racial admixture would
destroy the unique Jewish contribution to civilization--an argument which,
apart from its assertion of Jewish ethical altruism vis-a-vis the gentiles,
is reminiscent of those presented by many theorists of Aryan racial superiority.28
"We can thus accept the high intellectuality of the Jews without reserve,
and are justified in desiring to preserve this high human type . . . as a
separate entity, unmixed, because this is the only possible way to preserve
and develop the race-character. Any highly cultivated race deteriorates rapidly
when its members mate with a less cultivated race, and the Jew naturally finds
his equal and match most easily within the Jewish people. We cannot absolutely
assert that the mixture of Jews with other races invariably produces a degenerate
posterity. . . It is certain, however, that by intermarriage the race-character
is lost, and the descendants of a mixed marriage are not likely to have any
remarkable gifts. . . . Intermarriage being clearly detrimental to the preservation
of the high qualities of the race, it follows that it is necessary to try
to prevent it and to preserve Jewish separatism. (Ruppin 1913, 227-228)"
Another noteworthy Jewish racialist thinker was Martin Buber, the prominent
Zionist and theologian, who wrote of the Jewish Volkgeist and advocated greater
pride in the distinctive Jewish racial features: "A Volk is held together
by primary elements: blood, fate--insofar, as it rests upon the development
of blood--and culturally creative power--insofar as it is conditioned by the
individuality which arises from the blood" (in Ragins 1980, 157). Buber idealized
the hyper-collectivist Jewish Hasidim as a basis for contemporary Judaism
because of their intensely emotional commitment to the group and their mystical
love for the Volk (Mosse 1970, 85). "Just as the Germans attempted to root
this mystical tradition in their national mystique, so Buber eventually attempted
to embody this Mytlios in the Jewish Volk, exemplified by the Hasidim" (Mosse
1970, 87). As a result of Buber's influence, Zionist publications during the
Weimar years "were replete with favorable references to 'the mysticism of
blood,' 'racial genius,' and the 'Jewish people's soul'" (Niewyk 1980, 13
This Volkisch idea of a membership in a highly cohesive group was pursued
by a great many Jewish youth who, by World War I and thereafter, "found an
answer to their Jewishness through a deepening of the experience that bound
them together, with their own age and kind, in a meaningful community" by
joining the Jewish Bund (Mosse 1970, 98-99). The concurrent German Youth Movement
satisfied similar desires for membership in cohesive groups among gentile
Germans. Although the German Youth Movement tended to not fuse Volkische thinking
with racism and exclusivism even into the Weimar period (Mosse 1970, 20),
many Jewish and gentile German youth were in fact members of mirror-image,
emotionally compelling, cohesive groups: "Once again one is struck by the
common strivings of Jewish and German youth" (Mosse 1970, 99).
Interestingly, Franz Oppenheimer decried the racialist tendencies of some
of his fellow Zionists, noting that "a racial pride swaggered which was nothing
other than the photographic negative of anti-Semitism" (in Ragins 1980, 124)--
a comment that reinforces the "mirror-image" theme of this chapter and indicates
that for many Jewish Zionists, Jewish racialism went beyond merely asserting
and shoring up the ethnic basis of Judaism, to embrace the idea of racial
superiority. Consistent with the anti-assimilationist thrust of Zionism, very
few Zionists intermarried, and those who did, such as Martin Buber, found
that their marriages were problematic within the wider Zionist community (Norden
1995). In 1929 the Zionist leaders of the Berlin Jewish community condemned
intermarriage as a threat to the "racial purity of stock" and asserted its
belief that "consanguinity [kin] of the flesh and solidarity of the soul"
were essential for developing a Jewish nation, as was the "will to establish
a closed brotherhood over against all other communities on earth" (in Niewyk
1980, 129-130).
Jewish assertions of racial superiority may have been tempered somewhat by
the anti-Semitic climate of Central Europe. For example, Ignaz Zollschan argued
that Jewish intellectual superiority was the result of heredity resulting
from eugenic practices within the Jewish community--a view for which there
is ample empirical support (PTSDA, Ch. 7): Jews who were not adept at religious
study lost out in the "struggle for existence" (see Efron 1994, 106). However,
Zollschan's lauding of Jewish achievements and Jewish racial superiority had
a "defensive" ring that Efron (1994, 162) attributes to the anti-Semitic climate
surrounding him. On the other hand, Joseph Jacobs, writing in a much less
anti-Semitic England, could freely discuss his views on the intellectual and
moral superiority of Jews in the most respectable academic circles, including
those frequented by his mentor, Sir Francis Galton (Darwin's cousin and the
founder of biometrical genetics and the eugenics movement).
Assertions of Zionist racialism continued into the National Socialist period,
where they dovetailed with National Socialist attitudes. Joachim Prinz, a
German Jew who later became the head of the American Jewish Congress, celebrated
Hitler's ascent to power because it signaled the end of the Enlightenment
values which had resulted in assimilation and mixed marriage among Jews: "We
want assimilation to be replaced by a new law: the declaration of belonging
to the Jewish nation and the Jewish race. A state built upon the principle
of the purity of nation and race can only be honoured and respected by a Jew
who declares his belonging to his own kind.... For only he who honours his
own breed and his own blood can have an attitude of honour towards the national
will of other nations. (From J. Prinz, Wir Juden [We Jews] [1934]; in Shahak
1994, 7 1-72; italics in text)"
In 1938, Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and
the World Jewish Congress, stated that "I am not an American citizen of the
Jewish faith, I am a Jew. . . . Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the
Jewish people a race and we are a race."30
The common ground of the racial Zionists and their gentile counterparts included
the exclusion of Jews from the German Volksgemeinschaft (Nicosia 1985, 19).
Indeed, shortly after Hitler came to power, the Zionist Federation of Germany
submitted a memorandum to the German government outlining a solution to the
Jewish question and containing the following remarkable statement. The Federation
declared that the Enlightenment view that Jews should be absorbed into the
nation state: "discerned only the individual, the single human being freely
suspended in space, without regarding the ties of blood and history or spiritual
distinctiveness. Accordingly, the liberal state demanded of the Jews assimilation
[via baptism and mixed marriage] into the non-Jewish environment. . . . Thus
it happened that innumerable persons of Jewish origin had the chance to occupy
important positions and to come forward as representatives of German culture
and German life, without having their belonging to Jewry become visible. Thus
arose a state of affairs which in political discussion today is termed "debasement
of Germandom," or "Jewification.". . . Zionism has no illusions about the
difficulty of the Jewish condition, which consists above all in an abnormal
occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture
not rooted in one's own tradition. (In Dawidowicz 1976, 150-152)"
Most Jews did not openly espouse racialist views in the period we are discussing--at
least partly because they were aware of the ultimate danger of racialist thinking
to Judaism (Ragins 1980, 137). Racialist rhetoric by Jews was publicly condemned
by some Jewish leaders because of fears of anti-Semitism (Ragins 1980, 137).
Recognizing this danger, a major focus of the Zen tralverein deutscher Staatsbarger
jiidischen Glaubens (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith)--the
main self-defense organ of German liberal Judaism--was to combat what it termed
"racial Semitism" (Levy 1975, 156).
However, it is quite possible that racialist views were more often expressed
privately than publicly. Lindemann (1997, 91) notes that "even within those
universalistic convictions were nuances with racist undertones" and cites
the French-Jewish writer Julian Benda who observed that there "were certain
magnates, financiers rather than literary men, with whom the belief in the
superiority of their race and in the natural subjection of those who did not
belong to it, was visibly sovereign." A number of Jewish leftist politicians
in France "harbored a sense of their special merit or destiny as Jews to be
political leaders, what they considered their "right to rule.' " There is
considerable evidence that German Jews during this period were engaged in
deception and self-deception regarding their behavior and motivations (see
Chapters 6-8), so it would not be at all surprising to find Jews who sincerely
believed Judaism had no ethnic connotations and nevertheless opposed intermarriage
and conversion, as well as others who believed it privately but denied it
publicly for political reasons.
Ragins (1980, 85) notes the tension between the statements of liberal Jews
that Judaism was nothing more than a religion and their recognition that traditional
Judaism had been far more than that. The claim that Judaism was nothing more
than a religion conflicted with the reality that "there was a sense of relatedness
and cohesiveness among Jews which seemed to extend beyond the lines drawn
by religious factions, uniting Orthodox and Reform" (Ragins 1980, 85). Recognizing
this, the Zentralverein at times acknowledged that Judaism was more than simply
a religion and should be defined by a "consciousness of common descent [Abstammung]"
(Ragins 1980, 85), or race (p. 86). Thus in 1928 the director of the Zentralverein
asserted that Jews had been a race since biblical times and concluded that
"extraction remains, that is, the racial characteristics are still present,
albeit diminished by the centuries; they are still present in external as
well as mental features" (in Friedlander 1997, 119).31
The vacillation and ambivalence surrounding racial conceptualizations of
Judaism were also present in American Reform circles in the late 19th century:
"It was not uncommon for a rabbi to make bold pronouncements about his desire
for a universalistic society and then, in moments of frustration or doubt,
revert to a racial understanding of the Jews. . . . While willing to stretch
the definition of Judaism to its limits, it was clear that most Reformers
were not willing to break the historical continuity of the Jewish "race."
Even Solomon Schindler, . . . one of the most radical of Reform rabbis, felt
compelled to acknowledge the racial aspect of Jewish identity. Despite the
high universal task of Judaism, wrote Schindler, "it remains a fact that we
spring from a different branch of humanity, that different blood flows in
our veins, that our temperament, our tastes, our humor is different from yours;
that, in a word, we differ in our views and in our mode of thinking in many
cases as much as we differ in our features." (Goldstein 1997, 50-51)"
Besides the Zionists and a vacillating body of liberal Jewish opinion, there
are several other important Jewish intellectuals who are not associated with
Zionism but nevertheless had strongly racialist views. Heinrich Graetz (18
17- 1891), the prominent historian of Judaism, was enthusiastic about the
proto-Zionist ideas of Moses Hess, whose work, as we have seen, has strong
overtones of attitudes of racial superiority. Graetz believed that Jews could
solve the world's problems and "sometimes seemed to think Jews would provide
actual world leadership. At others it was to be merely an ethical example.
But in either event he presented the Jews as a superior people" (Johnson 1988,
331). Graetz's sense of Jewish racial superiority was repulsive to gentiles,
and there was an exchange with Heinrich von Treitschke in which the latter
characterized Graetz as an exemplar of the "boasting spirit which, he alleged,
was in the ascendant in Jewish circles and was to be regarded as a menace
to the German empire" (in Bloch 1898, 77). Graetz's work provoked a negative
reaction not only in Treitschke but the German academic establishment as a
whole (Levenson 1989, 329). While intellectuals like Treitschke saw Christianity
as a unifying force for the German nation, Graetz wrote to his friend Moses
Hess that Christianity was a "religion of death," and Hess wrote to Graetz
of his delight in "scourging Germans." Graetz perceived Jews as battling to
destroy Christian culture: "we must above all work to shatter Christianity"
(in Lindemann 1997, 91). These attitudes among prominent Jewish intellectuals
exemplify the theme of cultural conflict between Jews and gentiles as a theme
of anti-Semitism (p. 50ff).
There is a sense of Jewish racial superiority in Graetz's writings as well
as hints that he believed in the importance of racial purity: "There were
but two nations of creative mind who originated [high] culture and raised
humanity from the slough of barbarity and savagery. These two were the Hellenic
and the Israelite people. There was no third race of coadjutors.... If the
modern Roman, German, and Sclavonic nations, both on this side and on the
other side of the ocean, could be despoiled of what they received from the
Greeks and the Israelites, they would be utterly destitute. (Graetz 1898,
VI, 706)"
However, the Jews have continued as a creative race into the present, while
the Greeks gradually merged with the barbarians and lost their distinctiveness--a
point remarkably similar to Houston Stewart Chamberlain's "chaos of peoples"
idea described above, in which the decline of the ancient world is attributed
to loss of racial purity: "[The Greeks] despaired of their bright Olympus,
and at best only retained sufficient courage to resort to suicide. The Greeks
were not gifted with the power of living down their evil fortune, or of remaining
true to themselves when dispossessed of their territories; and whether in
a foreign country or in their own land they lost their mental balance, and
became merged in the medley of barbaric nations."32
The psychoanalytic movement was also characterized by ideas of Jewish intellectual
superiority, racial consciousness, national pride, and Jewish solidarity (Klein
1981, 1 43)33 Freud and his colleagues felt a sense of "racial kinship" with
their Jewish colleagues and a "racial strangeness" to others (Klein 1981,
142; see also Gilman 1993, 12ff, and The Culture of Critique, Ch. 4). Commenting
on Ernest Jones, one of his disciples, Freud wrote that "the racial mixture
in our band is very interesting to me. He [Jones] is a Celt and hence not
quite accessible to us, the Teuton [i.e., C. G. Jung] and the Mediterranean
man [himself as a Jew]" (in Gay 1988, 186).
Perhaps the clearest indication of Freud's racialist thinking is his comment
to a Jewish woman who had previously intended to have a child by C. G. Jung
in order to reconcile the Aryan/Jewish split in psychoanalysis at the time.
Freud observed "I must confess. . . that your fantasy about the birth of the
Savior to a mixed union did not appeal to me at all. The Lord, in that anti-Jewish
period, had him born from the superior Jewish race. But I know these are my
prejudices" (in Yerushalmi 1991, 45).
A year later after the woman had given birth to a child by a Jewish father,
Freud wrote, "I am, as you know, cured of the last shred of my predilection
for the Aryan cause, and would like to take it that if the child turned out
to be a boy he will develop into a stalwart Zionist. He or she must be dark
in any case, no more towheads. Let us banish all these will-o '-the-wisps!
I shall not present my compliments to Jung in Munich.... We are and remain
Jews. The others will only exploit us and will never understand and appreciate
us. (In Yerushalmi 1991, 45)"
In the following passage from Moses and Monotheism, the Jews are proposed
to have fashioned themselves to become a morally and intellectually superior
people: "The preference which through two thousand years the Jews have given
to spiritual endeavour has, of course, had its effect; it has helped to build
a dike against brutality and the inclination to violence which are usually
found where athletic development becomes the ideal of the people. The harmonious
development of spiritual and bodily activity, as achieved by the Greeks, was
denied to the Jews. In this conflict their decision was at least made in favour
of what is culturally the more important. (Freud 1939, l47)"34
Freud's attitudes were fully mirrored by non-Jewish theorists (Gilman 1993,
12ff).35 Jung's ideas on racial archetypes differ from Freud's views only
in the type of traits emphasized as characteristic of the two groups. While
Freud emphasized the brutality, violence, and enslavement to the senses of
the gentiles versus the spirituality, intellectuality, and moral superiority
of the Jews, Jung held the view that the advantage of the "Aryans" was in
their energy and untapped potential resulting from their relatively recent
rise from barbarism. On the other hand, Jews, required to exist as a minority
in a host society, could create no genuine culture of their own. After the
National Socialists assumed power, Jung became a prominent spokesman for the
view that there were differences between Jewish and Aryan psychology.36 In
a 1934 article Jung emphasized that psychoanalysis had developed a very negative
conception of the German character: "In my opinion it has been a grave error
in medical psychology up till now to apply Jewish categories. . . indiscriminately
to Germanic and Slavic Christendom. Because of this the most precious secret
of the Germanic peoples--their creative and intuitive depth of soul--has been
explained by a morass of banal infantilism, while my own warning voice has
for decades been suspected of anti-Semitism. (In Yerushalmi 1991, 48-49)
Indeed, as elaborated in The Culture of Critique, a central function of Freud's
Totem and Taboo appears to have been to combat "everything that is Aryan-religious"
(in Gay 1988, 331), a comment that illustrates the extent to which Freud,
like Hess and Graetz, viewed his work as an aspect of competition between
ethnic groups. The early psychoanalytic movement self-consciously perceived
itself as representing a Jewish intellectual offensive against "Aryan-Christian"
culture in which religion and race overlapped entirely.
Even in the absence of an explicitly racialist conceptualization of the differences
between Germans and Jews, there was a feeling of estrangement and of being
different peoples on both sides of the ethnic divide. Such attitudes were
common in anti-Semitic writings throughout the 19th century (Rose 1990) and
continued in the 20th century. In the correspondence of the early 1930s between
Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers, Arendt fails to identify with Max Weber's
"imposing patriotism." "For me Germany means my mother tongue, philosophy,
and literature" (in Kohler & Saner 1992). Jaspers replies, "I find it odd
that you as a Jew want to set yourself apart from what is German.... When
you speak of mother tongue, philosophy, and literature, all you need add is
historical-political destiny, and there is no difference left at all" (in
Kohier & Saner 1992). Arendt, however, self-consciously rejects being part
of this destiny of the German people. The concept of a "historico-political
destiny of a people" clearly conceptualizes separate "peoples," but in Weber's
view membership in the German people is open to Jews. Arendt is rejecting
such membership and implicitly accepting the idea of a single culture but
two separate peoples.37
General feelings of peoplehood and thinking in terms of racial essences
and racial differences were thus part of the Zeitgeist of the period--characteristic
of Jewish as well as gentile intellectuals: "The breakdown of the liberal
order during the closing decades of the nineteenth century [in Austria] brought
back to the surface the opposing assumptions about social integration that
had distinguished the Jewish from the non-Jewish sensibility. Annoyed by the
parochial attachments of other people, and unreceptive to the idea of a pluralistic
state, many non-Jews interpreted the Jewish assertion of pride as a subversion
of the "enlightened" or egalitarian state. The Jewish stress on national or
racial pride reinforced the non-Jewish perception of the Jew as a disruptive
social force. (Klein 1981, 146)"
National Socialism and Judaism as Mirror-Image Group Strategies
From the perspective developed here, the acceptance of the ideology of an
anti-Semitic group strategy among the NSDAP elite may well have been caused
or at least greatly facilitated by the presence of Judaism as a very salient
and successful racially exclusive antithetical group strategy within German
society. In 1905, well before the National Socialists came to power, the anti-Semitic
racial theorist Curt Michaelis asserted a relationship between Jewish racial
pride (Rassenstolz) and anti-Semitism: "The Rassenstolz promoted race hatred
in its sharpest form--the consequence of which is lasting race war. . . .
The Jewish people stands principally in battle against the whole world; naturally,
therefore, the whole world [is] against the Jews" (in Efron 1994, 170).
There is an eerie sense in which National Socialist ideology was a mirror
image of traditional Jewish ideology. As in the case of Judaism, there was
a strong emphasis on racial purity and on the primacy of group ethnic interests
rather than individual interests. Like the Jews, the National Socialists were
greatly concerned with eugenics. Like the Jews, there was a powerful concern
with socializing group members into accepting group goals and with the importance
of within-group altruism and cooperation in attaining these goals.
Both groups had very powerful internal social controls that punished individuals
who violated group goals or attempted to exploit the group by freeloading.
The National Socialists enacted a broad range of measures against Jews as
a group, including laws against intermarriage and sexual contact, as well
as laws preventing socialization between groups and restricting the economic
and political opportunities of Jews. These laws were analogous to the elaborate
social controls within the Jewish community to prevent social contact with
gentiles and to produce high levels of economic and political cooperation.
Corresponding to the religious obligation to reproduce and multiply enshrined
in the Tanakh, the National Socialists placed a strong emphasis on fertility
and enacted laws that restricted abortion and discouraged birth control. In
a manner analogous to the traditional Jewish religious obligation to provide
dowries for poor girls, the National Socialists enacted laws that enabled
needy young couples to marry by providing them loans repayable by having children.
As in the society depicted in the Tanakh and throughout Jewish history, the
National Socialists regarded people who could not prove the genetic purity
of their ancestry as aliens with fewer rights than Germans, with the result
that the position of Jews in National Socialist society was analogous to the
position of the Nethinim or the Samaritans in ancient Israelite society, or
converts in historical Jewish societies, or the Palestinians in contemporary
Israel.38 As with Israel, the state had become the embodiment of an exclusivist
ethnic group.
Both groups had a well-developed ideology of historical struggle involving
the group; Kren and Rappaport (1980, 208) explicitly make this connection
when they note that National Socialism "was founded on militant movements
for Zionism, socialism, or Communism--movements that had always provided their
members with a strong sense of historical struggle and an identification with
group goals rather than individual satisfaction"--clearly a statement that
could apply not only to Zionism but to traditional Judaism as a whole (see
PTSDA, Ch. 6). Gordon (1984, 114) states that "it was clearly Hitler's conception
that he was working for group goals--those of the 'Aryan people' and that
his individual fate mattered little."
In this regard, Hitler's attitude that death was the only honorable fate
for himself and his followers was entirely similar to that of the Jewish resistors
of the period (Gordon 1984, 115). Kren and Rappaport (1980, 217) describe
a situation in which "the youth--the best, the most beautiful, the finest
that the Jewish people possessed--spoke and thought only about an honorable
death. . . befitting an ancient people with a history stretching back over
several thousand years."
Common Threads in Western Anti-Semitism
The most important common thread of Western anti-Semitism is the development
of cohesive groups that mimic in critical ways the features of Judaism as
a group evolutionary strategy. A related common thread has been that there
is a tendency to shift away from attempts at complete cultural and genetic
assimilation of Jews in the early states of group conflict, followed eventually
by the rise of collectivist, authoritarian anti-Semitic group strategies aimed
at exclusion, expulsion, or genocide when it is clear that efforts at assimilation
have failed. I have noted this phenomenon in the case of Germany during the
19th century, and this certainly appears to have been the case in Spain prior
to the expulsion of 1492, following the failure of the forced conversions
of 1391 and the consequent turmoil of the 15th century. In 12th-l3th-century
France there was a shift from a policy of toleration combined with attempts
to convert Jews under Louis IX to a policy of "convert or depart" during the
reign of Philip IV, and finally the expulsion of Jews in 1306 (Jordan 1989,
180). The final expulsion order is also a last plea for Jewish assimilation:
"Every Jew must leave my land, taking none of his possessions with him; or,
let him choose a new God for himself, and we will become One People" (in Jordan
1989, 214; italics in text).
As expected by an evolutionist, a third common thread has been that each
Western anti-Semitic movement shows indications of a concern with one-way
gene flow from the Jewish to the gentile population. Anti-Jewish writers have
often emphasized Jewish males exploiting gentile females (see, e.g., pp. 49,
80n.2 1, 228). As an elite group, Jewish males in the absence of social controls
would tend to have access to gentile females as concubines. There was deep
concern in the ancient world regarding Jewish ownership of gentile female
slaves. In areas where polygyny and concubinage were legal, there were typically
restrictions on Jews being able to have concubines from the dominant religious
or ethnic group (e.g., restrictions in Muslim areas preventing Jews from having
Muslim but not Christian concubines). Concern about Jewish males exploiting
gentile females also figures in laws dating from the period of the Inquisition
(see pp. 237-238). In the medieval and early modern world, extending into
the 20th century, there was concern in widely separated times and places about
Jews employing Christian female domestics. And in late medieval Spain and
19th- and 20th-century Germany there was also concern that elite Jews were
marrying their daughters into the gentile nobility while nevertheless retaining
the genetic purity of their stem families. In all of these cases, Jewish stem
families were able to retain genetic segregation.
The fact that Western societies have typically attempted to convert and assimilate
Jews before excluding them indicates that Western societies, unlike prototypical
Jewish cultures, do not have a primitive concern with racial purity. Rather,
concern about racial purity emerges only in the late stages of Jewish-gentile
group conflict and only in the context of a concern about the asymmetrical
gene flow from the Jewish to the gentile gene pool.
On the other hand, despite a great deal of commonality among Western anti-Semitic
movements, there was a great difference between the universalistic, assimilatory
tendencies of traditional Western Christianity and the exclusivistic, racialist
program of National Socialism. Indeed, we have seen that beginning in the
19th century an important aspect of German anti-Semitic ideology was a criticism
of Western universalism and the development of peculiarly Germanic conceptions
of Christianity. A critical component of official National Socialist ideology,
as represented in the thought of Alfred Rosenberg, was the idea that "the
twin forces of disintegration, namely universalism and individualism, act
in perpetual conflict with the Germanic concept of race" (Cecil 1972, 89).
In this regard, National Socialism was indeed profoundly anti-Western. In
rejecting both universalism and individualism, National Socialism resembled,
much more closely than did medieval Western collectivist Christianity, its
mirror image rival, Judaism.
Lack of Group-Based Competition as a Necessary Condition for Western Individualism
While intra-societal conflict between Jews and gentiles tends to be associated
with the development of anti-individualist Western societies, the absence
of conflict between powerful and impermeable ethnic groups may be a necessary
condition for the development of the relatively individualistic Western societies
of the post-Enlightenment world. This proposal is highly congruent with the
social identity perspective of group conflict: as societies become structured
around competing groups, people form strong group allegiances incompatible
with individualism. Such a society is incompatible with the notion of individual
rights because group interests become paramount: Within the ingroup, individual
rights and interests must be sharply curtailed in the interests of group cohesion
and the attainment of group interests. The context of between-group competition
results in group membership rather than individual behavior or merit becoming
the most important criterion of personal assessment. A Manichean morality
of ingroup favoritism and outgroup hostility develops that is completely incompatible
with individualism.
This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that the Enlightenment and the
reemergence of individualism in Western Europe occurred most prominently in
England and France, from which Jews had been almost completely excluded, while
"the basic fact about German history since the eighteenth century has been
the failure of the Enlightenment to take root" (Mosse 1964, 21-22).
It was a failure that was undoubtedly made the more likely by the fact that
throughout the entire era, liberal political views were strongly supported
by Jews and were perceived as benefiting Jews--a fact that the opponents of
these ideas never failed to emphasize. Indeed, a social identity perspective
would expect that initially minor differences between the groups (e.g., Jews
tending toward liberal internationalism, gentiles toward conservative nationalism)
would become increasingly polarized as group conflict escalated. Personal
identity would eventually become increasingly demarcated not only by ethnicity
but also by political attitudes, with the result that the political beliefs
of the opposition become an important, negatively evaluated marker of outgroup
membership. For a German, to be a liberal would eventually be tantamount to
favoring a negatively perceived outgroup.
Political liberalism was the antithesis of the strong desire of many Germans
to develop a powerful, highly cohesive nation. For many anti-Semites, most
notably the anti-Semitic Volkische intellectuals, such as Paul de LaGarde,
negative attitudes toward Jews were intimately intertwined with a loathing
of liberalism and unrestrained, irresponsible capitalism, combined with a
strong desire for a powerful sense of community (Stern 1961, 64, 66).39 Indeed,
late-19th-century Zionists commonly believed that an important source of opposition
to liberalism among gentiles stemmed from the perception that liberalism benefited
Jews in competition with gentiles; thus Theodor Herzl believed that "emancipation
had placed an intolerably heavy strain on Austrian liberals, who had to defend
an economic system that eased the way for recent outsiders into positions
of prominence" (Kornberg 1993, 180).
The hypothesis that individualism is incompatible with group-based conflict
is also consistent with Americo Castro's (1954, 497; see also Castro 1971)
perspective that the Enlightenment could not develop in a Spain fraught with
competition between ethnic groups: "From such premises it was impossible that
there should be derived any kind of modern state, the sequel, after all, of
the Middle Ages' hierarchic harmony." Similarly, Grayzel (1933, 83) comments
that the exclusion of Jews from Christian society, which was the focus of
ecclesiastical policy in the 13th century, might have occurred even in the
absence of the Church's actions; another factor besides religious difference
that he argues might have led to exclusion was racial: "The Jews persistently
refused to mingle their blood with that of their gentile neighbors at a time
when racial intermingling was laying the foundations of the modern national
The implication is that the Western tradition of muted individualism and
its concomitant democratic and republican political institutions are unlikely
to survive the escalation of intrasocietal group-based competition for resources
that is such a prominent theme of contemporary American society. I have previously
quoted Pulzer's (1964, 327) comment, "The Jew could flourish only in the sort
of classical Liberal society that existed in Western Europe and that the late
nineteenth century had introduced to Central Europe." While Judaism flourishes
in a classical liberal, individualist society, ultimately Judaism is incompatible
with such a society, since it unleashes powerful group-based competition for
resources within the society, which in turn lead to highly collectivist gentile
movements incompatible with individualism. It is also noteworthy that the
19th-century liberal critics of Judaism typically assumed that it would disappear
as a result of complete cultural and genetic assimilation-a sort of tacit
understanding that a liberal society required a fairly high degree of cultural
My view, which I elaborate in The Culture of Critique, is that Western societies
have a tendency to seek an equilibrium state of hierarchic harmony among the
social classes in which there are powerful controls on extreme individualism
among the elite classes. This tendency toward hierarchic harmony--a paradigmatic
feature of the Christian Middle Ages--combined with assimilationism and individualism
has been a powerful force in breaking down barriers within society. The difficulty
for a group strategy like Judaism is that, if assimilation fails, the Western
tendencies toward universalism and individualism are abandoned. From this
perspective, it is no accident that the National Socialist theorist Alfred
Rosenberg regarded the Western concepts of universalism and individualism
as anathema: Both concepts were incompatible with National Socialism as a
closed ethnic group strategy. It is in this sense that the individualist,
universalist strands of Western culture are indeed incompatible with Judaism.
Finally, given the Western tendency toward "muted individualism" and hierarchic
harmony, there is the suggestion that in the absence of a hated and feared
outgroup such as the Jews, there would be a tendency toward decomposition
of collectivist, authoritarian social structures in the West. From this perspective,
the apparently primitive Western tendency toward a significant degree of individualism,
possibly deriving ultimately from a unique ancestral environment (see PTSDA,
Ch. 8), results in an inertial tendency toward assimilatory, reproductively
egalitarian, and moderately individualistic societies. However, these tendencies
may be altered in the direction of authoritarian collectivism under conditions
of perceived intrasocietal group-based competition, as discussed throughout
this and the previous two chapters.
Egalitarianism and Western Group Strategies
It has been noted that National Socialism was characterized by a significant
degree of within-group egalitarianism. This tendency toward within-group egalitarianism
can also be seen in the conscious attempt to portray Hitler as an idealistic,
ascetic hero who tirelessly pursued group interests rather than his own interests.
This portrayal of Hitler had some basis in reality well before he came to
power, and it later became a prominent feature of National Socialist propaganda
(Bracher 1970, 66). Clearly, a fundamental feature of National Socialism was
the belief that within the group there would be significant reciprocity, cooperation,
even altruism, and that differences in rank would not be closely tied to variation
in the markers of reproductive success.
From an evolutionary perspective under conditions of exogamy, the appeal
of a group strategy is likely to be increased by the belief that other members
of the group, and especially the leaders, are personally ascetic. In a despotic
situation, lower-status males are more likely to perceive themselves as exploited
by upper-status males and as benefiting little from cooperation or altruism.
Self-sacrifice and voluntary cooperation in such a situation are expected
to be minimal because the benefits of such behavior are more likely to accrue
to the despot while the costs are borne by the lower-status males. At the
extreme, if the lower-status male is a slave, cooperation and self-sacrifice
are expected to only occur as the result of coercion (see also PTSDA , Ch.
The appeal of asceticism among leaders would be expected to increase dramatically
in a situation where the group as a whole has relatively little genetic cohesiveness.
I propose that because of the low degree of genetic relatedness within the
society, cohesive and anti-individualistic Western group strategies tend to
be characterized by leaders who accept asceticism, celibacy, or in general
do not have relatively high reproductive success compared to the others in
the movement. As indicated in PTSDA (Chs. 6, 8), the high levels of endogamy
and consanguinity [marrying close relatives or inbreeding] of Jewish groups
are an important aspect of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, because
they result in individual fitness being correlated with group success. Individual
Jews are therefore expected to be much more tolerant of large differences
in resources and reproductive success within the Jewish community and more
tolerant of the authoritarian political structure of the traditional Jewish
community; this is the case not only because they benefit from Jewish charity,
but also because they benefit genetically to a considerable extent when other
Jews succeed.
However, in an exogamous, assimilative Western society, lower-status individuals
benefit less from the success of upper status individuals. A significant degree
of personal asceticism in leaders may therefore be necessary in order to obtain
the allegiance of the lower orders. The suggestion, then, is that ultimately
exogamy and genetic assimilationism are the reasons that reproductive egalitarianism
tends to be characteristic of Western collectivist movements. As reviewed
in MacDonald (1 995b), there has indeed been a strong trend toward reproductive
leveling in Western societies beginning in the Middle Ages. The Franciscan
and Dominican friars who spearheaded the anti-Semitism and collectivist tendencies
of the medieval period also led ascetic lives despite their origins in the
middle and upper-middle classes. Their activities appear to have been critical
to the development of the intense religious fervor and commitment characteristic
of all levels of medieval society--an integral component of the societas Christiana.
For example, Lawrence (1994, 126) notes that "the voluntary poverty and self-imposed
destitution that identified the early Mendicants with the humblest and most
deprived sections of the population, in loud contrast to the careerism and
ostentation of the secular clergy and the corporate wealth and exclusiveness
of the monasteries, moved the conscience and touched the generosity of commercial
"St. Francis and St. Dominic. . . gave to the Church a new form of religious
life, which had an immense and permanent appeal, and one which both attracted
a new type of recruit and in its turn inspired an apostalate to the laity,
to the heretic and to the heathen. Not only did the appearance of the friars
rescue the western church from its drift toward heresy and schism, but the
new warmth of devotional life, the preaching, the confessing and the daily
counsel of the friars gave a new strength to the lower level of Christian
society and indirectly acted as a powerful agent of spiritual growth and social
union, thus inevitably compensating for the growing power of legalism and
political motives at the higher levels of church life. (Knowles & Obolensky
1968, 345)"
Moreover, while Western medieval reproductive altruism occurred as an aspect
of commitment to a collectivist group, reproductive leveling continued after
the collapse of the medieval church (MacDonald 1995b) and continues in contemporary
individualistic and democratic Western societies. Thus the sex lives of the
presidents of the United States are closely scrutinized for suggestions that
they have not been monogamous. And even if public figures engage in non-monogamous
sex, they do it clandestinely, since it would be political suicide to publicize
the fact and take pride in it.
As in the case of Judaism, therefore, but for somewhat different reasons,
the group must be viewed as an important level of adaptation in conceptualizing
historical Western societies.
The foregoing suggests a theoretical association between exogamy and egalitarianism
that transcends the individualism/collectivism dichotomy which has been central
to my treatment. Political coalition building in exogamous societies tends
to result in attempts at egalitarian social controls on the leadership, because
lower-status males have a powerful interest in controlling the reproductive
behavior of the elite. Such attempts may not succeed, so that a despotism
is always a possibility. Nevertheless, exogamy implies that lower-status individuals
do not benefit from the reproductive success of the elite, and as a result
popular support of either individualist or collectivist political entities
is facilitated by reproductive egalitarianism.
1. According to the First Decree of the Reich citizenship law of November
14, 1935, a Jew was defined as an individual with at least three Jewish grandparents
"who are fully Jewish as regards race" (in Dawidowicz 1976, 45-47). However,
a person was considered to be a "Jewish Mischling" and therefore classified
as a Jew if he or she had two Jewish grandparents who belonged to the Jewish
religious community as of September 15, 1935, or thereafter, or was the offspring
of a marriage concluded by a Jew, or was married to a Jew on that date or
later, or who was the result of extramarital relations between a Jew and a
gentile. Apart from individuals married to a Jew, individuals who were one-eighth
Jewish or less were considered Germans.
2. Harris (1994, 227) notes that propagandists like Stoecker "made the anti-Semitism
of the common man intelligible to the educated, not vice versa. Their anti-Semitic
activities show the gradual acceptance of anti-Semitism by polite society
rather than the injection of those ideas into mass culture by either fanatic
zealots or Machiavellian politicians." Indeed, it was the educated elites
who were most supportive of Jewish emancipation (p. 230)-a finding that is
highly compatible with the general tendency throughout Jewish history for
Jewish alliances with gentile elites in the context of popular anti-Semitism
(see Chapter 2 and PTSDA, Ch. 5). Nevertheless, Field (1981, 227) notes that
aristocrats "hard pressed by declining land revenues and higher property taxes,
resentful of the purchase of Berlin's sumptuous palaces by Jews, and eager
to share the Kaiser's new fads" familiarized themselves with the writings
of Houston Stewart Chamberlain.
3. Harris (1994, 227) notes the high degree of personal popularity of Hitler
and the substantial support for the NSDAP and its highly salient anti-Semitism
in the elections of 1932. He makes the interesting point that the National
Socialists were the only party to draw substantial support from all social
classes-suggesting that National Socialism transcended class divisions and
was perceived as the political embodiment of the ideal of hierarchical harmony
long held as an ideal in the Volkische intellectual tradition.
4. The data provided by Lowenstein (1992, 24) indicate that in 1901-1905
in Germany 8.8 percent of Jewish men and 7.6 percent of Jewish women intermarried.
These percentages increased in the following years so that by 1926-1930, 25.6
percent of Jewish men and 16.6 percent of Jewish women had intermarried. These
figures include Jews who married other secular and converted Jews and who
remained part of the Jewish community and hence are useless for conceptualizing
the extent to which Judaism had continued as a genetically closed group evolutionary
strategy. Moreover, defections from Judaism, as measured by conversions to
Christianity, remained low. Lowenstein (1992, 24) finds that conversions averaged
168 per year in the period from 1800 to 1924 and 256 per year in the period
from 1880 to 1899. These figures are also overestimates of true defection,
however, since many of these conversions were conversions of convenience by
individuals who continued to identify as Jews and continued their associations
with the Jewish community (see also Chapter 6). Patai and Patai (1989) note
that intermarried couples in Germany during this period, at least in the earlier
surveys, tended to have fewer children and not to raise them as Jews with
the result that only 4.05 percent of the children born to Jewish mothers were
children of intermarried couples who raised their children as Jews or were
children born out of wedlock to Jewish women with Christian fathers.
5. The phrase "hierarchic harmony" comes from Americo Castro's (1954, 497)
description of the social structure of the Western Middle Ages. Not coincidentally,
many Volkische thinkers idealized the Middle Ages.
6. Volkische ideology was compatible with a strong but muted role for individualism.
The anti-Semite Paul de LaGarde emphasized that individuals should be able
to maximize their unique potentials within the cohesive group (Stem 1961,
28). On the other hand, he was greatly concerned that the working classes
had become alienated from German society because of the individualistic behavior
of capitalists.
7. The tract also contains the following exhortations: "Thou shalt have no
social intercourse with the Jew"; "Thou shalt have no business relations with
the Jew"; "Thou shalt not entrust thy rights to a Jewish lawyer, nor thy body
to a Jewish physician, nor thy children to a Jewish teacher. . . ."; "Keep
away all Jewish writings from the German home and hearth lest their lingering
poison may unnerve and corrupt thyself and thy family" (in Massing 1949, 3
8. Marr later repudiated the idea of genetic assimilation via intermarriage
in his 1879 book The Victory of Judaism over German ism.
9. See Krausnick (1968, 10); Field (1981, 447). Beginning in 1923, Chamberlain's
and Hitler's circles increasingly intersected. Chamberlain met Hitler on more
than one occasion, and there was a mutual admiration between the two, including
highly laudatory letters from Chamberlain to Hitler which Hitler greatly appreciated
(Field 1981, 436-438). By the end of Chamberlain's life, Hitler seems to have
developed a great deal of affection for him, and he personally attended his
funeral. Another high-ranking National Socialist closely associated with Chamberlain
was Alfred Rosenberg. Rosenberg was ecstatic about Chamberlain's Foundations
when he first read it in 1909 as a seventeen-year-old, and he became a fervent
disciple (Cecil 1972, 12-14; Field 1981, 232). Other National Socialists who
had read Chamberlain and claimed to be influenced by him include Hess, Geobbels,
Eckart, Himmler, and von Shirach (Field 1981, 452). Geobbels met Chamberlain
and declared that Chamberlain was "the pathbreaker," "the preparer of our
way," "the father of our spirit" (in Reuth 1993, 53).
10. See also Derek Wilson (1988, 286). It is interesting that the marriage
of the only child of Salomon and Adele Rothschild (of the French branch of
the family) to a Christian resulted in a complete excision of the daughter
from her mother's life, without any inheritance. This is compatible with supposing
that only-daughters were in a different category than daughters with brothers,
quite possibly because the marriage of the only-daughter outside the group
would, in practical effect if not according to Jewish law, place all of the
family's descendants outside the Jewish community. The consequences of a male
attempting to marry outside the group were severe: When a male in the Austrian
branch of the family fell passionately in love with the daughter of an American
boardinghouse keeper, his father was inflexible in his opposition, and the
son, in despair, committed suicide in 1909 (Derek Wilson 1988, 276).
11. Moreover, it is worth noting that there was considerable doubt expressed
in the Palestinian Talmud (Y. Qidd. 3.12) about the status of the offspring
of an Israelite female married to a gentile, with some authorities pronouncing
the offspring mamzers (bastards) following the (non-Israelite) status of the
father. It is therefore highly doubtful that such individuals would have been
welcomed in the Jewish community even had they attempted to remain.
12. Consanguinity [inbreeding] often overlapped with economic interests among
these families. Mosse (1989, 97) notes that a "distinctive form of economic
co-operation involving close kinship links was that between members of allied
families, the Ellingers, Mertons, and Hochschilds in the Frankfurt Metallgesellschaft,
for example, the Oppenheims, Warschauers, and Mendelssohn-Bartholdys in the
AG fur Anilinfabrikation (Agfa) in Treptow, or the Ganses and Weinbergs in
Leopold Cassella. In all, the cases of joint economic activity by close kin
are so numerous that the family rather than the individual could almost be
regarded as the typical Jewish entrepreneur."
13. As discussed in several sections of PTSDA, group selection has made a
resurgence in evolutionary thinking, most notably as a result of the work
of David S. Wilson (see Wilson & Sober 1994).
14. Degler (1991, 46) notes that despite the opposition of socialist newspapers,
four of five socialist representatives in the Wisconsin legislature voted
for a eugenic law mandating sterilization of certain criminals, and Edward
A. Ross, the prominent progressive sociologist from the University of Wisconsin,
testified in favor of the law. Such laws were much more characteristic of
the reformist North and West than the conservative South.
15. Neither Francis Galton nor Karl Pearson, the guiding lights of British
eugenics, emphasized race as a variable in their publications on eugenics.
During the I 880s Pearson became attracted to German ideas and became a strong
advocate of the idea that eugenic practices should be a component of competition
among groups rather than among individuals, but he conceptualized the group
as the nation, not a race (Kevles 1985, 23). Earlier, Alfred Russel Wallace
and W. R. Greg (but not Darwin) emphasized the need for eugenic practices
to make the group more competitive, but again, the group was conceptualized
as the nation (Farrall 1985, 17). Nevertheless, the beliefs that eugenics
would improve the ability of the race and that Caucasians were a superior
race were probably common among British eugenicists, including Galton and
Pearson (Farrall 1985, 51). During the 1 920s, Pearson opposed Jewish immigration
on the grounds that Jewish girls were inferior and Jewish boys did not possess
"markedly superior" intelligence compared to the native English (Pearson &
Moul 1925, 126). This is a group-based argument, but it is certainly not the
type of argument based on competition between well-defined racial groups that
Chamberlain would have made. Pearson and Moul also wrote of Jews that "for
men with no special ability-above all for such men as religion, social habits,
or language keep as a caste apart, there should be no place. They will not
be absorbed by, and at the same time strengthen the existing population; they
will develop into a parasitic race, a position neither tending to the welfare
of their host, nor wholesome for themselves" (pp. 124-125). The argument,
then, is that if Jews did have markedly higher IQs, there would be no objection
to immigration. Clearly Pearson is not casting his argument in a racialist
16. Despite their dislike of the Ostiuden and their concerns that the Ostiuden
increased anti-Semitism, the German Jewish community provided aid to the immigrants
and strongly opposed official discrimination against them, especially after
1890. Moreover, Volkov (1985, 211) notes that many Westiuden eventually developed
positive attitudes toward their highly observant coreligionists from the East-an
aspect of the increasing sense of Jewish identification among them.
17. The quotation from Rather is completed as follows: .... . if we are
foolish enough to bestow such titles on people who are merely repeating what
they take to be the wisdom of their own fathers. Sidonia [the hero of Tancred]
was in fact repeating the post-exilic doctrines of Ezra and Ezekiel when he
warned against racial intermarriage, and these same doctrines gave biblical
authority to Old Testament Christians in North America and South Africa to
pursue their policies of segregation and apartheid, respectively." Rose (1992,
234) states that Rather's book "verges on veiled antisemitism," but, minimally,
I see no reason to question Rather's scholarship on Disraeli. As Rather notes,
the racialism of Disraeli and Moses Hess have been severely downplayed by
Jewish scholars attempting to link National Socialism with gentile racialist
thinkers of the 19th century such as Gobineau and Chamberlain. (Similarly,
Lindemann [1997, 77n.76] notes that George Mosse "devotes only a few lines
in a single paragraph to Disraeli, yet he devotes pages of dense description
and analysis to scores of anti-Semitic writers and theorists, many of whom
attracted a limited readership and obviously exercised little influence on
their contemporaries.") As noted below (see note 21 below), Rose has been
a prominent apologist for 19th-century Jewish racialist thought.
18. Disraeli's assertions of Jewish superiority were quite unsettling to
Richard Wagner, especially since Disraeli was the prime minister of England.
After reading Tancred, Wagner referred to himself as a "tatooed savage," presumably
a reference to Disraeli's low estimation of the Franks in Tancred. Disraeli's
views were well known in England and were the subject of a negative contemporary
commentary by George Eliot (although she appears to have approved eventually
of Jewish racialism, as indicated by her novel Daniel Deronda). Disraeli's
views were ridiculed by Thackeray and in the satirical journal Punch. In his
satirical novel Codlingsby, Thackeray derided Disraeli's tendency in Coningsby
to suppose that everyone of genius was a Jew, including Mozart and Rossini.
In 1915, the prime minister of England, Herbert Asquith, recalled Disraeli's
words in his reaction to a proposal to turn Palestine into a Jewish state:
"It reads almost like a new edition of Tancred brought up to date . . . ,
a curious illustration of Dizzy's favourite maxim that 'race is everything,'
etc." (in Rather 1986, 122). Disraeli's comments on the importance of race
for understanding history were also quoted extensively by German racialist
writers in the 1920s (Mosse 1970, 56; Rather 1986, 122). See also Johnson
(1987, 323ff) and Salbstein (1982, 97ff) for discussions of Disraeli's racialist
views. Salbstein terms Disraeli a "Marrano Englishman," because of evidence
that Disraeli had a strong Jewish identity.
19. There was disagreement among Zionists as to whether anti-Semitism caused
Jewish nationalism or Jewish nationalism was intrinsic to the nature of Judaism.
Theodor Herzl took the former position, while Ahad Ha-Am took the latter point
of view (Simon 1960, 103).
20. As discussed in PTSDA (Ch. 8), one theory of the evolution of recessive
genes in northern Caucasian populations is Salter's (1996) "blank slate hypothesis"
in which recessive genes act as an individualist anti-cuckoldry mechanism.
Because of the commonness among the "Aryans" of recessive genes affecting
physical appearance, the offspring of Jews and non-Jews in Germany therefore
would tend to resemble the Jewish partner, thus leading to beliefs on both
sides of the "indelibility" of the Jewish character.
21. Rose terms the racialist views of Hess as "positive and humane" (1990,
321) (apparently because of Hess's stated belief that the Jews had originated
as a racially mixed group) while condemning the racialist views of 19th-century
German antiSemites. In a bit of self-deception, Rose notes the parallels between
Hess's and Wagner's racialist views, "but how opposed were their ethics! Wagner
insisted that his racial idea was based on love. But that was merely idealistic
garb for the instinct of racial domination that Hess so bitingly descried
everywhere in German revolutionary thought. Wagner ran true to revolutionary
form in excluding the Jews from the festival of redemption; they could only
be redeemed by destruction. Hess, on the other hand, cast them in the role
of protagonists in the drama of cosmic redemption" (1990, 335). Klein (1981,
147- 149) makes a similar argument regarding the racialism of the psychoanalytic
movement. The idea that Judaism has a genetically based, altruistic role to
play in human evolution may be more ethical. However, it would appear to be
equally plausible to suppose that Hess's and Klein's comments are also an
"idealistic garb" for self-serving rationalization of the type that has been
common in Jewish intellectual history (see Chapter 7); that is, they legitimize
Jewish ethnocentrism as motivated by the loftiest of moral goals and ignore
real conflicts of interest between Germans and Jews that were at least partly
the result of Jewish ethnocentrism while condemning the ethnocentrism of the
Germans. Rose also illustrates the tendency of many theorists of anti-Semitism
to view the phenomenon as a fundamentally irrational construction of gentiles-a
major theme of Jewish theories of anti-Semitism discussed extensively in The
Culture of Critique. Rose repeatedly condemns as immoral the attitudes of
anti-Semites that Jews were an ethnically distinct and unassimilable group
within German society, that they hated gentiles, and that they were bent on
the economic and cultural domination of gentiles, and he does so without ever
considering the evidence for or against these propositions. Because of his
complete lack of interest in actual Jewish behavior, one infers that Rose
believes that data on the actual behavior of Jews are irrelevant to the rationality
of these attitudes.
22. Wagner believed that the Jewish spirit was able to dominate the German
spirit in art because Jewish influence in Germany had begun before the nation
had a well-developed culture of its own-the result of political fragmentation
since the Thirty Years' War. According to the diary of Cosima Wagner, Wagner
stated in 1878 that "if ever I were to write again about the Jews, I should
say I have nothing against them, it is just that they descended on us Germans
too soon, we were not yet steady enough to absorb them" (see Rather 1990,
23. Ha-Am (in Simon 1960, 102) condemned "enlightened" Western Jews who had
"sold their souls" for civil rights: "I can proclaim my feeling of kinship
with my fellow-Jews, wherever they may be, without having to defend it by
far-fetched and unsatisfactory excuses"-an implicit rebuke of the Reform project
of rejecting the language of kinship and nationalism in developing elaborate
rationales for continued Jewish group cohesion in the post-Enlightenment world.
Like the German Volkische thinkers, Ha-Am believed that each nation, like
each person, has a unique character and personality. Moreover, he had pronounced
ideas on what constituted the national spirit of his people and believed that
it was profoundly different from the German spirit.
24. Similarly, in the United States Zionists raised a "storm of protest"
when Judge Julian Mack of the American Jewish Committee testified before the
Dillingham Commission on immigration in 1909 that Jews were not a race (Cohen
1972, 47). Szajowski (1967, 7) cites the following statement by Lucien Wolf,
secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies and the
Anglo-Jewish Association, as typical of Jewish leaders of the period, including
Jacob Schiff of the American Jewish Committee and Dr. Paul Nathan, leader
of the German Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden: "I, too, am for assimilation,
but I want it mechanical and not chemical. I want the race preserved but the
spirit merged." Goldstein (1997) shows that American Jews in the late 19th
century commonly identified themselves as a racial group, at least partly
as an image-management strategy (see Chapter 7).
25. Theilhaber is interesting because of his deep concern with Jewish fertility
and at the same time with developing organizations that would facilitate abortion
and birth control among gentile Germans. Theilhaber was very concerned about
the declining Jewish birth rate and was politically active in attempting to
increase Jewish fertility (going so far as to propose to tax "child-poor"
families to support "child-rich" families). At the same time, he was also
instrumental in creation of the Gesellschaft fi.ir Sexualreform, whose aims
were to legalize abortion and make contraceptives available to the German
public (Efron 1994, 142, 144, 152). As indicated below, the National Socialists
encouraged fertility and enacted laws that restricted abortion and discouraged
birth control.
26. Zollschan comments on the light pigmentation to be found in all Jewish
groups despite the predominance of dark pigmentation. The fin de si~cle race
scientists made some interesting speculations on the origins of blond hair
and blue eyes among Jews. The German Felix von Luschan proposed that the ancient
Jews had intermarried with the non-Semitic Hittites and the blond Amorites.
The Jewish racial scientist Elias Auerbach rejected this idea because it conflicted
with the abhorrence of exogamy that is so apparent in the Tanakli. He proposed
that when Jews settled in lands with a high percentage of blondes they have
an unconscious preference to marry blondes in their own group, so that there
is selection in the diaspora environment for phenotypic resemblance to the
non-Jewish population (see Efron 1994, 139-140). The German Fritz Lenz (1931,
667- 668) (a professor of "racial hygiene" in the National Socialist era)
made a proposal similar to that of Auerbach.
27. In Jews in the Modern World, Ruppin (1934) asserts that Jews are not
a racially pure group, because of widespread intermarriage and illicit sexual
relationships in the diaspora. Nevertheless, he describes three "racial types"
of Jews, one (the Oriental Jews) genetically identical to the ancient Jews,
and two others (Sephardic and Ashkenazic) resulting from an influx of gentile
genes in the diaspora. Although these racial types are not racially pure,
because they originated as a result of cross-breeding, they represent racial
types because they have been genetically isolated for centuries in particular
areas. Ruppin therefore conceptualizes the Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewish
populations as originating from a high level of cross-breeding followed by
prolonged periods of genetic isolation, with the result that contemporary
Jewish populations have a high degree of genetic homogeneity and phenotypic
resemblance. In a section entitled "Disruptive Forces in Jewry," Ruppin decries
the assimilative forces of modern societies, including the decline of religious
belief and family ties, and the weakening of a sense of common fate among
Jews. Intermarriage marks the end of Judaism. Mixed marriage is regarded as
destructive of Judaism even where the non-Jewish side adopts the Jewish religion,
for it is understood, be it merely subconsciously, that Judaism is something
more than a religion-a common descent and a common fate. Were it only a religious
communion, assimilated Jews would actually have to welcome a mixed marriage
which gains a proselyte for Judaism, but even among them this view is conspicuously
absent. (p. 318) Ruppin also regretted that "the feeling of unity resulting
from consanguinity [inbreeding] is being lost" (p. 277). Ruppin himself married
his first cousin, suggesting he also placed a high value on the common Jewish
practice of consanguineous marriage, which has resulted in relatively high
levels of genetic relatedness within historical Jewish societies (see PTSDA,
Ch. 4).
28. While Ruppin stated that "other nations may have points of superiority"
(1913, 217), he countenanced rather negative views of Germans. In his introduction
to Ruppin's (1934) book, the prominent historian Sir Louis B. Namier (1934,
xx-xxi) presented the following view of Germans: "The German is methodical,
crude, constructive mainly in the mechanical sense, extremely submissive to
authority, a rebel or a fighter only by order from above; he gladly remains
all his life a tiny cog in a machine." He goes on to refer to German "political
and social ineptitude." As expected by social identity theory, positive attributions
regarding one's ingroup tend to be associated with negative evaluations of
the outgroup.
29. Buber's close friend Gustav Landauer developed similar ideas, in which
"the individual . . . rediscovers the community to which he is linked through
his blood and learns that he is merely an 'electric spark' in a larger unity"
(Mosse 1970, 91). Nevertheless, the Jewish God was the God of all humanity,
implying some sort of coexistence of different peoples. As noted in Chapter
7, Buber and Landauer argued that Jewish pursuit of their ethnic interests
was in the service of all mankind. As Mosse (1970, 89) notes in his comments
on Buber and another Jewish Volkische thinker, Robert Weltsch, "only by first
becoming a member of the Volk could the individual Jew truly become part of
humanity." Mosse comments that it is not at all clear how this Jewish Volkische
ideology would be compatible with the idea that all of humanity would "flow
together," but the attitude was typical of many Zionists of the period. In
my terms, such ideologies are examples of rationalization, deception and!or
self-deception that have been typical of Jewish theories of Judaism throughout
history (see Chapters 7 and 8).
30. "Dr. Wise Urges Jews to Declare Selves as Such," New York Herald Tribune,
June 13, 1938, 12.
31. Niewyk also includes among the liberal Jewish voices the novelists Georg
Her-mann and Kurt Milnzer, both of whom believed that racial differences divided
Jews and Germans. In attempting to understand Jewish uniqueness, another liberal,
Rabbi Caesar Seligmann of Frankfurt-am-Main, attributed it to "Jewish sentiment,
the instinctive, call it what you will, call it the community of blood, call
it tribal consciousness, call it the ethnic soul, but best of all call it:
the Jewish heart" (in Niewyk 1980, 106).
32. Graetz's work is replete with ingroup glorification and denigration of
outgroups. While other nations had sunk into debauchery and violence, the
Jews had remained true to their historical mission: "In the midst of a debauched
and sinful world and amid vices with which, in its beginnings, the Jews were
also infected, they yet freed themselves, they raised on high an exalted standard
of moral purity, and thus formed a striking contrast to other nations" (Graetz
1898, VI, 706). Their allegiance to high moral standards required them to
separate themselves entirely from the "heathen world" (p. 721)- a common rationalization
for Jewish separatism (see Chapter 7).
33. This Jewish intellectual racialism among psychoanalysts was highly compatible
with a firm commitment to Jewish group continuity. Indeed, Klein (1981) notes
that Freud passionately implored his associate Max Graf not to abandon his
Jewish commitment by baptizing his son. A theme of The Culture 0/Critique
is that a major component of Jewish intellectual movements in the 20th century
has been a commitment to messianic universalist movements, which propose to
lead humanity to a higher moral plane while nevertheless retaining Jewish
group continuity. These movements are thus compatible with continued genetic
segregation between Jews and gentiles and continued group-based resource competition
between Jews and gentiles.
34. Before their rupture, Jung is described as a "strong independent personality,
as a Teuton" (in Gay 1988, 201). After Jung was made head of the International
Psychoanalytic Association, a colleague of Freud was concerned because, "taken
as a race," Jung and his gentile colleagues were "completely different from
us Viennese" (in Gay 1988, 219). In 1908 Freud wrote a letter to the psychoanalyst
Karl Abraham in which Abraham is described as keen, while Jung is described
as having a great deal of elan-which, as Yerushalmi (1991, 43) notes, indicates
a tendency to stereotype individuals on the basis of group membership (the
intellectually sharp Jew and the energetic Aryan). Freud's sense of Jewish
superiority can also be seen in his statement that "ruthless egoism" is more
characteristic of gentiles than of Jews, while Jewish family life and intellectual
life are superior. Freud pointed to Jewish achievement in the arts and sciences
to support his claim that Jews were superior (see Cuddihy 1974, 36). Further,
Freud viewed these differences as unchangeable. In a 1933 letter Freud decried
the upsurge in anti-Semitism, stating that "my judgment of human nature, especially
the Christian-Aryan variety, has had little reason to change" (in Yerushalmi
1991, 48). Nor, in Freud's opinion, would the Jewish character change. In
Moses and Monotheism, Freud (1939, 51 n) states that "it is historically certain
that the Jewish type was finally fixed as a result of the reforms of Ezra
and Nehemiah in the fifth century before Christ." As Yerushalmi (1991, 52)
notes, "Freud was thoroughly convinced that once the Jewish character was
created in ancient times it had remained constant, immutable, its quintessential
qualities indelible." Viewed in this manner the obvious racialism and the
clear statement of Jewish ethical, spiritual, and intellectual superiority
contained in Freud's last work, Moses and Monotheism, must be seen not as
an aberration of Freud's thinking but as central to his attitudes, if not
his published work dating from a much earlier period. These issues are discussed
more fully in The Culture of Critique. Here they merely serve as an indication
of the deeply held racialist views of individuals on both sides of the ethnic
divide during the period.
35. As discussed by Yerushalmi (1991, 46), in 1921 Wilhelm Dolles published
a book Dos .Jiidische als Geistesrichtung [The Jewish and the Christian as
Spiritual Direction] which argued that Jews were attracted to psychoanalysis
because they had a "hysterical" character because they had striven throughout
their history for unattainable goals. Dolles did not reject psychoanalysis
but advocated a different form of psychoanalysis for Christians, such as that
of Jung, more attuned to the morally superior Christian character.
36. Yerushalmi (1991, 54) also notes that Ernest Jones, a self described
"Shabbes-goy among the Viennese" and someone whose worshipful compliance made
him very useful to psychoanalysis as a Jewish ethnic movement, also had the
view that Jews had certain physical features that caused gentiles to have
unconscious hostility toward them.
37. After becoming a refugee, Arendt lived her life in an almost exclusively
Jewish milieu, working for a Jewish refugee relief organization, for Jewish
Cultural Reconstruction, Inc., and for a publisher of Judaica, Schocken Books.
Her theory of anti-Semitism, as expressed in The Origins of Totalitarianism,
like many other theories of anti-Semitism developed by Jewish intellectuals
such as those discussed in The Culture of Critique, provides no role for resource
competition between impermeable ethnic groups. Katz (1983, 83) presents Arendt
as an example of a theorist of anti-Semitism who unrealistically and apologetically
ignores the contribution of Jewish behavior to anti-Semitism.
38. The Nethinim were members of a foreign ethnic group living as slaves
in ancient Israelite society and thought to be descendants of the peoples
displaced by the Israelites in the post-Exodus conquest. As indicated in PTSDA
(Chs. 3 and 4), the Samaritans were excluded by the Israelites in the post-Exilic
period because of their doubtful racial purity.
39. Interestingly, when de LaGarde visited England in the 1850s, he was very
favorably impressed by the unity of the people, the popularity of the monarchy,
and the responsible behavior of the aristocracy (Stern 1961, 54). Whether
or not he was correct in his judgment, it may well be the case that the muted
forms of individualism that have characterized several proto-typical Western
societies depend for their success on high levels of social consensus and
on social or legal constraints on the individualistic behavior of elites.
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